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Friday, March 9, 2018


As an American woman I didn't even know what a normal penis looked like. I had only been with cut men. Every porn movie or magazine I had seen only showed cut penises. I didn't even know what circumcision really meant when I heard the word only that it's xtra unnecessary dirty skin. Every medical book I saw shows a cut penis as if that's a normal penis. I never ever saw a real penis until I researched male nudity through the internet a couple years ago for a blog I was writing on "Men are beautiful too" I searched for male nude art black and white photography. Little did I know they were all natural penises probably from Europe not American men. I found these penises to be so beautiful and somehow different than any I've ever seen. Now I know why! In a country where they keep normal penises and education hidden so cunningly it's easy to see how ignorance is so common. I'm ashamed of my country not proud. We're not free. And it's time to stop glorifying the female body while degrading the males! Men are beautiful too!!!