The best thing about sobriety is NO MORE HANGOVERS! No more waking up at 3 am regretting what I did, no more waking up with my tongue so dry it’s 5x it’s normal size, feeling like I’m going to puke and my head pounding with every breath. No more cancelling plans I knew I would never keep on recovery Sunday. No more laying on the couch scarfing down carbs all day watching crappy TV on a beautiful sunny day. No more ignoring phone calls due to painful guilt and shame for the night before. Or worse yet, trying to remember what the hell I did the night before. No more bloated face, saggy blood shot eyes and horrible smelly bathroom visits which couldn’t hide how badly I poisoned myself while “living it up and unwinding.” No more looks of pity from my husband who bought me coffee from my favorite place, only I was too sick to even smell it let alone drink it. No more hating myself for having lost control yet again! Sobriety isn’t something I have to do, it’s something I get to do, because I have the power now.. not the drug. I get to wake up every morning knowing I never have to experience those humiliating feelings ever again. So for those who pity us boring sober folks, it's the other way around.