“I have chosen loneliness to defend myself. I protect myself from humanity around me, from this loud and intrusive humanity. I live surrounded by animals, trees, flowers. I have horses, donkeys, rams, goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons. Then of course dogs and cats. I don't even know how many there are...
I feel much closer to nature and animals than humans. I confess I hate most of the human species. I accepted the cause of animals to finally make sense of my existence here. I'm trying to explain to the man that cruelty inflicted on animals is unworthy, unacceptable, inhumane precisely...
I don't give a damn that the world remembers the divine B. B., that wasn't divine at all.” - Brigitte Bardot
“I’m sad that she has to isolate herself in order to protect herself. She is no less beautiful at 86 than she was at 26. The only difference is her sexuality. It is really shitty that the only thing about a woman that seems to have any value is the ability to give a man a hard on. Fuck that! We need to see older, naturally aging women everywhere. When they are bullied in the media, including social media, we need to support these women. Young women need to understand that they are only the beginning of the maiden, mother, crone cycle. Bridget represents the ultimate expression of this because she has now been all 3 aspects of the goddess.“ Anonymous