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Thursday, March 14, 2024



Alcohol causes inflammation (which leads to myriad other health issues), dehydrates, disrupts our blood sugar balance (which makes us mood swing, binge eat, get the shakes, disrupts sleep), gunks up our liver (which means our body can't detox and also means we have trouble losing weight - toxins live in fat cells), interferes with the metabolism of nutrients (absorption), replaces healthy calories (malnutrition), changes our pH balance (causing body odor), leads to loss of sleep (which leads to a host of other things that make us look like shit), disrupts the endocrine/glandular system (as in, adrenals/energy, sex hormones/periods/sex drive, sleep cycle), accelerates the aging process, worsens skin issues (like acne), causes bloating, brittle hair, causes memory loss, shrinks gray matter, induces or worsens depressive states, causes broken capillaries/rosacea, leads to other unhealthy and/or risky behavior (like poor food choices, unprotected sex, smoking), is directly linked to certain cancers (like breast cancer). There's also that whole other part about how it addicts us, kills 1 in 10 of us, robs us of years off our lives, our dignity, our freedom, our loved ones and on and on. But it’s glorification and the abuse continues. 🤮…/yes-alcohol-is-making-


How alcohol affects your looks

As well as the beer belly and drinker’s nose, alcohol can affect your looks in other ways.

Dry wrinkled skin

Alcohol causes your body and skin to lose fluid (dehydrate).

Dry skin wrinkles more quickly and can look dull and grey.

Alcohol’s diuretic (water-loss) effect also causes you to lose vitamins and nutrients. For example, vitamin A. This is important for skin health.

Skin problems

Alcohol can cause the skin condition rosacea to flare up.

Symptoms of rosacea include:


dilated blood vessels

small red bumps

pus-filled spots on the face

It can also cause broken blood vessels and redness on your face. 90% of patients with rosacea who cut back on alcohol say it helps to reduce flare-ups.


Alcohol can cause water retention in your face. This makes your face look bloated and puffy.

Bloodshot eyes

Alcohol can irritate the blood vessels on the surface of your eyes, making them bloodshot.

Dry, thinning hair

Alcohol dries your hair as well as your skin, making it more likely to break and split.


People who have been drinking can smell bad. The liver breaks down most of the alcohol you drink so that it can be removed from the body. But some alcohol leaves the body through your breath, sweat and urine.

More in The effects of alcohol on your body

Alcohol and depression

Blood pressure and the heart

How alcohol affects your looks

Sex life and fertility

The brain

The liver

The stomach

Weight gain

😬 😳

The world health organization finally confirmed that consuming this class 1 carcinogen in ANY amount offers zero health benefits. 

Alcohol causes inflammation (which leads to myriad other health issues), dehydrates, disrupts our blood sugar balance (which makes us mood swing, binge eat, get the shakes, disrupts sleep), gunks up our liver (which means our body can't detox and also means we have trouble losing weight - toxins live in fat cells), interferes with the metabolism of nutrients (absorption), replaces healthy calories (malnutrition), changes our pH balance (causing body odor), leads to loss of sleep (which leads to a host of other things that make us look like shit), disrupts the endocrine/glandular system (as in, adrenals/energy, sex hormones/periods/sex drive, sleep cycle), accelerates the aging process, worsens skin issues (like acne), causes bloating, brittles hair, causes memory loss, shrinks gray matter, induces or worsens depressive states, causes broken capillaries/rosacea, leads to other unhealthy and/or risky behavior (like poor food choices, unprotected sex, smoking), is directly linked to certain cancers (like breast cancer). There's also that whole other part about how it addicts us, kills 1 in 10 of us, robs us of years off our lives, our dignity, our freedom, our loved ones and on and on. But it’s glorification and the abuse continues. 🤮…/yes-alcohol-is-making-you-loo…

Wednesday, March 6, 2024




Women have it hard when they get a menopausal death sentence handed to them and then they are told that this is NORMAL.

NORMAL to have:

  • No natural lubrication
  • No natural hormone production
  • No libido

Basically, no life.

At least, no life-force.

All gone!

But instead, because your body is so inept, you can very conveniently be saddled with a lifelong supply of KY jelly, artificial hormones and a brand new drug for female libido, and a few organ removal surgeries to kick things off.

Look, if you are an allopathic doctor or OBGYN, menopausal women are your cash cow.

They are the gift that just keeps giving.

Seriously. ON drugs for life.

They are a drug dealer’s i.e. an allopathic doctor’s wet dream.

This is such a crock of shit.


First off, menopause as a shitty experience is a largely Western and mostly North American concept.

There are places and cultures on the planet that don’t even have a term to refer to this stage of woman’s life.

France is known as “the country that menopause forgot.”

In Japan, they don’t even have a name for “Hot flashes”.

And there are indigenous cultures that don’t even acknowledge any kind of shift.

It’s just part of life and there isn’t any mandatory awful symptoms that have been prescribed along with it, so women simply don’t have them.

Because they don’t know they’re supposed to.

It’s also seen that in cultures where older women are perceived as still sexual and beautiful, women experience less of these prescribed, North American symptoms.

And of course, you have our old friend, the Western medicine motto: the Normalization of Dysfunction. 

Meaning, if you can make it seem that it’s NORMAL that people experience such poor health, then your baseline is pretty low.

And NOT having problems is the rarity.

And now, we have this gloriously fucked up culture, that’s pretty much I would say a calculated campaign by people who profit off these things, to say “OH, you are SHAMING  women by saying they can have a pain-free, trouble free, soaking wet vagina, a billion orgasms menopause. That’s terrible.:

So you’ve just armed this whole sect of people to fight! For the right!

Well, we don’t do that over here in Anami Land. So if you want to learn how to free yourself out of this unhealthy and deadly paradigm, then stick around and learn.

If you are whining about shaming, you can see yourself to the door.


My own explanation for difficult menopause has been that if a woman is loaded up with several factors of stress, ill health and imbalance, then the turning point of menopause will exacerbate these things.

It’s a transition time in the body, where it naturally looks for other sources to produce the hormones it needs for the woman to remain alive and juicy.


Do we really think that nature is so dumb, or in this case, mean too, that it’s going to say, oh, you are totally finished. Bye Bye!


It’s a time of re-configuration.

If the woman is healthy and strong, this will pass with nary a blip on the radar.

If she’s not, it will be like another stone on a pile of rocks that weigh her down.

Most people DO NOT take very good care of themselves.

Their diets aren’t optimal, they don’t exercise regularly or at all, and they don’t keep their emotional house in check.

So MOST PEOPLE are going to be hit very hard by these transitions.

Why is it that the women I know, including myself, who are committed to radical good health, sail through this time, no problem?

From a physiological perspective, there is a name for this “failure to thrive”.

It’s called pregnenalone steal and it can happen in men and women.

It’s a common symptom of the modern world.

Pregnenalone is known as the “mother of hormones”.

When your body is in a constant stress state, it’s generating adrenalin and cortisol and there isn’t much left over to produce the other hormones that you need, say, for proper sexual health.

Like: progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

This can mean you feel tired, depressed, have a low sex drive, increased weight gain and it effects your periods and menopause.

So my view is, that a body and woman in optimal health are going to waltz right through menopause.

The things a woman need to, would be:

  • Exercise her vagina: with a jade yoni egg.
  • Eat well: whole foods, organically grown diet.
  • Exercise her whole body. I mean really exercise. Walking a few times a week isn’t exercise. you need to sweat! 
  • Feng shui her sexual self and relationship.

These things will get her going again.

Especially the sexual pieces.

I’ve had women who are in the category of NOT eating that well, not really exercising, not even exercising their vaginas, and they come gushing back to life when they clear blocks in themselves and in their relationships.


I’ve also had women who simply began exercising their 60-70 year old vaginas, and feng shui their sexual selves, and BOOM, all the 60 and 70-year-old ladies be gushing.

My point is, that these conditions are not mandatory. They aren’t a necessary part of menopause.

Low libido, lack of wetness, not feeling amazing.

There can be different factors contributing to these thing.

Yes, stress can effect hormone production, and overall health.

But there is always a solution.

And hacks!

Meaning, that just using a jade egg can trump having stress.

Once you wake up your sexual energy and heal sexual blocks, that creates such an elevated effect in your system that it TRANSCENDS these ofter factors.

Even diet and exercise and stress.

It goes beyond them.

My view is that in nearly every situation there IS A SOLUTION that is natural, healthy and uplifting for the entire system.

My solutions DO NOT include drugs and surgery, except in extreme, extreme cases.

The sexual prescription is #1.

One of the best ways to combat stress and cortisol??


The oxytocin you generate through gourmet sex and orgasms, especially vaginal orgasms, has the effect of immediately wiping out cortisol.

So a lot of orgasms and great sex is actually your best remedy for menopausal stuff and potential pregnenalone steal.

The women I know who triumph through this time in their lives, have sexual self-knowledge, are committed to their sex lives and have the intention that they will slide right on through.

And they do.