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Sunday, February 26, 2017


It saddens me that I never had a mother who felt this way. My mother always put the men in her life before her children allowing great harm to come to my siblings and myself. We all suffered some form of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse at the hands of her lovers and husbands. It’s rare to see a mother in the animal kingdom who will sit back and do nothing as her babies are being harmed, but not so rare among humanity. I feel sad that I don’t have a loving, caring, compassionate, mother or father in my life. I can’t lie that it hurts when I see grown women with their aging mothers and fathers and the love and devotion that they share. But I survive and live on the best way I know how. I too am a mother of 3 wonderful children. I can’t even imaging doing to them what my mother did to us, and worst of all deny and defend it. 

My mother still puts her man first in her life to this day and because of that she has no contact with her grandchildren. She lives with that somehow. I couldn’t. I would rather die than have my own children and grandchildren disown me. All she has to do is own up to the truth, but she can’t. And for some people living a lie is ok with them. I agree with the words in this photo and I believe most mothers do. I would fight to the death to protect my children and prevent anyone from harming them in any way. That is what makes a mother, a mother. Anyone can have sex and pop out children but a true mother nurtures, protects, and sacrifices their own lives to enrich another so that they don’t have to live the rest of their adult lives trying to heal from their fucked up childhood. Not all mothers deserve respect and honor and those who don’t should be held accountable, not their victims. 

Friday, February 17, 2017


•There is no biblical record of Satan engaging in the murder of torture of any human being, unlike God, who is guilty (and proudly guilty) of commiting genocide.

•There is no biblical record of Satan ever ordering someone to kill someone else, unlike God, who has repeatedly demanded the deaths of those who commit even the smallest of offenses.

•Satan will not be holding a massively dramatic ceremony full of blood and death for the return of his son to Earth. God apparently will.


•God takes away Adam and Eve's eternal life, thus commiting the first murder, and holds their descendants responsible and visiting Adam and Eve's punishment down on their children. In today's moral standards, the sins of the father die with the father.

•God destroys all life on Earth in a great flood, except for a drunk (Noah) and his family, for failing to worship him.

•God's tenth plague upon the Israelites was the unjustified murder of all firstborn sons in Egypt, which undoubtedly included little children.

•Before sending the plagues to Egypt, God "hardened Pharaoh's heart" so that he wouldn't let the Israelites go, so he could have an excuse to visit horrible plagues upon them, like boils, killing cattle and murdering all firstborn sons. (Exodus 4:21)

•God orders the Levites to kill their "every man and his neighnor" for worshipping another god. This cost 3000 lives. (Exodus 32:27)

•God sends a plague to the Israelites, apparently feeling that mass-butchery wasn't enough of a punishment. (Exodus 32:35)

•God kills Onan for refusing to impregnate his late brother's (whom God also slew) wife and instead "spilling his seed on the ground." (Genesis 38:8-10)

•God kills the entire populations of Soddom and Gammorah (again, including women, children and infants) for practicing certain sexual techniques.
•God gives all Philistines hemorrhoids in their pubic areas. (1 Samuel 5:9)

•God kills over 50,000 people for looking at an ark. (1 Samuel 6:19)

•God kills 70,000 people because King David decided to have a census. (1 Chronicles 21:7-14)

•God approves of slavery, and instructs owners to beat their slaves. (Proverbs 29:19)

•And, finally, God makes sure that if you are guilty of even the smallest transgression, you shall suffer endlessly for all eternity, following a dramatic homecoming for Jesus, who will be extremely pissed off at everyone for putting him to death, even though it was just the Romans and even though he knew what was going to happen beforehand, and he could have easily avoided it by using his power as God to perform a miracle and prove who he was. (See the entire book of Revelation)

Lucifer is reviled in most religions that recognize him as an entity, but their beliefs rely on the false premise that he was attempting to overthrow a merciful and loving god, when in fact the opposite was clearly the case. He was making a stand for the freedom of a people, knowing that he would receive little to no credit whatsoever. 

Look at the story of the garden... the story is a big allegory of course, but allegorical for what, exactly? It was Lucifer who brought knowledge to Adam and Eve, and showed them the bondage of ignorance they were restrained in. As Lucifer can be translated from Greek as "Bringer of Dawn", it is fitting to call the garden story the allegory of humanitys long night in the darkness of ignorance, and the "Bringer of Dawn" who signaled the impending rising of the light, and the banishing of the dark. 

Any wonder why Yahweh got mad? Just like our own tyrannical governments of this day and age, an informed and educated people were/are this entities worst enemy. Lucifer broke Yahwehs monopoly/dominance over and control of information. 

But instead of recognizing this, the vast majority believes Lucifer is a demon, and some deluded ones even worship him as such. 

Its interesting to look at how the same tactics of deception are still in use today, and that indeed nothing much has changed in evils play book of covering up the truth. Blatant lies, propaganda, information control and the obfuscation of the truth by mixing it with disinformation, all tactics currently in heavy use in the tyrannical government regimes around the globe, including all of the West, have their methods rooted in ancient times. 

They would have you believe black is white, up is down, and 2+2=5; for millennia this has been the case, and it has been successful, and only very recently is this being challenged by people in any significant numbers. 


Christians might claim they worship Jesus, not Yahweh. Perhaps they do, but why do they worship someone who clearly did not seek the peoples worship, nor wanted to be anyones leader? It is clear Jesus wanted one thing: not worship, but for the people to emulate his behavior, to be LIKE him, not to think him a god and beg him for free stuff. Thats the OLD way, which he came to uproot. He called us his friends and siblings, NOT his minions and serfs.

Unfortunately, it hasnt been uprooted that well... instead of the people thinking for themselves about his words, they depend on an authority, controlled by the same evil that would or does have them all worshiping a clearly genocidal maniac, to read the words, interpret them, and then spoon feed them the meaning. 

I might say Jesus and Lucifer are one in the same. Wouldnt it be ironic, but strangely sensical that the original Bringer of Dawn, demonized through out the ages, who expects nothing in return, would come back to further assist knowing he would probably be murdered by those he was trying to save?

Whats the conspiracy here? Its that billions of people have been brainwashed into believing that evil is good, and good is evil, and would be willing to die to defend their false notions. What better way to divide the people than to make them into walking contradictions, thinking they are doing good, when they are really doing evil? They have the people unwittingly divided at their very most core level; themselves. 

Its also that theyve got you believing the truth is complicated through years of mandatory indoctrination at school. 

Its not. 

Set the mountains of manure in the 3,000 page "holy" book ablaze, and after the fire dies and the wind scatters the ashes some tiny precious gems will remain steadfast and eternal, outliving the convolution and obfuscation of what they were buried under. 

"Treat others as you would be treated" is the first gem, and most powerful IMO.

"Love your neighbor as yourself" is the second

There is nothing else we need to know or exercise to reveal the truth, and come out of the illusion. Those two things are so simple... so precise! Think of what they include, but also, perhaps even more importantly, think of what they EXCLUDE. Any mention of worshiping anyone? Any mention of what KIND of neighbor to love? Any mention of exceptions to WHO should be treated as you would like to be?

So stop worshiping Yahweh. You are giving your energy to evil. Stop worshiping Jesus. He wants you to emulate his actions, not be smug and complacent because you think youve got a free ticket to heaven

And above all, stop complicating things. It really is that simple. Love others, treat others with love, and the world will turn on a dime and the most ancient of conspiracies to divide and conquer the people will disintegrate before the conspirators eyes... and ours.

Thursday, February 9, 2017


A relationship with zero boundaries is dangerous. Healthy boundaries are necessary for relationships and the world as a whole. Ever heard the saying, the world isn’t evil because of evil men but because good men do nothing? To allow someone to do harmful things to another and call it love is insane. Even if it is family or friend. Love ALWAYS stands against bullies and supports the victim. Dottie Sandusky is a sick evil women and just as guilty for the crimes her perverted husband committed on those boys, because she knew what he was doing and remained silent. Therefore, she had the power to prevent other kids from being sexually abused by her sick husband, but instead she chose to hide and deny it; calling it love. True love would have exposed the crime to protect the innocent. Of course we all have habits and mannerisms that aren’t perfect but a habitual child molestor deserves punishment. Just as a habitual wife beater, adulterer, or serial killer! To “accept” and “work around” these things isn’t love at all. It’s hate. 

Here is a great article written on the wicked Dottie Sandusky who stood by her monster of a man~

I think it's time. Time we euthanize this old bag before she spreads anymore stupidity to an already delusional fan base. Time to take her out behind the barn and put her to rest. I wish the world was flat, so we could set this bitch on fire and launch her right off the side of it. Usually I say things like this is jest. When I say Dottie Sandusky is not capable of being in society anymore I say it sternly.

What's lost in the multitude of crimes committed by Jerry is the role his wife played in them. She is as guilty as he is for affecting the lives of countless children forever. I would even say more so than Joe Paterno. Dottie is a battered wife. Not in the traditional sense. She is much like women who put up with spousal abuse and return to the perpetrator for a variety of reasons. Simply because she wanted to believe he could change, or didn't believe he was capable of such heinous acts, she let child abuse happen in her home for years. She stood idly by and enabled Jerry. Only her lack of action didn't affect her well being, it affected the well being of innocent kids. Kids who may very well suffer from distress pertaining to these crimes for the rest of their lives. She is the very definition of an accessory to a crime.

There is no debating that Jerry is the biggest criminal in this whole scandal. He is not mentally stable. The ability to touch children without regret is one that is definitive of having a sickness. It's not only for past crimes, but for his ability to commit future crimes that he will likely die in a prison cell. I would argue his wife has a very similar sickness. For her to not have the moral fiber to stand against one of most disturbing crimes that can be committed is deplorable. She should not be allowed to live amongst us and have basic choices between right and wrong. She has proven herself unworthy.

When I read the above quote where she says "I didn't know whether to laugh or cry" I felt actual rage. Her inability to see the truth, or her ability to ignore the truth, in the face of 45 convicted acts of sexual abuse is mind numbing. It's not cute. It's not loyalty. 'For richer or poorer' went out the window a long time ago. These two haven't been in good health for decades. There's no reason for anyone to lie. Jerry Sandusky is as guilty as anyone who has ever been guilty of anything. It's not a question of 'if', it's a question of how often and to what extent. Dottie Sandusky's ability to laugh in the face of one of the most egregious sex scandals in history makes her just as guilty as her other half, who now spends his days rotting behind bars. The only thing that is at all laughable in this op-ed is when she says she has a "moral responsibility to set the record straight". She is as bankrupt morally as someone could possibly be.