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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Why I left the cult of Christianity

First of all to say that the mind and will of a Creator exists in a book is ludicrous and cultish in itself. Secondly, those who claim to be “of the Book” yet don’t even know what’s written in it, is a mockery of his own religion/god. Evidence proves it to be a lie Click me!

My awakening of the Christian cult began when I learned the horrid truths surrounding the Israel/Palestine conflict. It’s really not a “conflict” as the Evangelicals like to call it. It’s genocide. It made me weep like a child when I saw the atrocities being done to Arabs all in the name of the bible god that I was worshiping. 

Once I learned Evangelical christians did the same damn thing to the Native American’s I knew right then and there I no longer wanted any part of this Christian god found in it’s Bible. The OT was being used to justify genocide, adultery, theft and all other perversions known to man. My argument used to be the NT wipes out the OT but Jesus often quotes the OT and the book of Revelation only confirms a genocidal god who favors one race over another simply for being born from the “wrong tribe”

Another thing that was making my skin crawl about this cult was how Evangelicals were rejecting and shunning the wrong people! Their book says to shun BELIEVERS who live against it’s teachings. NOT unbelievers. Yet, most christians condemn judge and reject non-christians who are homosexuals, drunkards, druggies, while embracing and mingling with so called christians who can be found at the bar every weekend, gossiping, cheating, lying, etc. Can you say HYPOCRITE? 

Some of the most beautiful spiritual people I’ve known were atheists, muslims and non believers while some of the most hateful and belligerent were christians. They also acted like zombies and robots with zero emotion or empathy towards injustices and perversions against “unbelievers”. 

I’m glad to finally be free from Christianity. We could all benefit from the teachings of the great Native American Chiefs of the past. They were very humble in spite of the evils of the white christian men, therefore very wise and enlightened of many deep truths from the Great Spirit. I don’t hate or condemn christians, I just wish they would stop pushing their religious beliefs onto others thinking it’s their “god given duty” and threatening those who reject it with eternal hellfire from the god who "loves" them. Jesus taught that God is found within. Not in a book building or piece of land. No people are more favored or special than another and you need to stop the wretched teaching that the jews are such people. 

Live and let live, give a voice to the oppressed, and do unto others as you want done unto you. Imagine a world such as this…