There are 2 things I have zero tolerance for. Drunks and perverts. They both hurt others through their selfish crass ways while expecting everyone to endlessly over look their hurtful behavior as if it never happened while having no intention of stopping.
When drunks and perverts are called out on their disgusting shameful behavior they are masters at diverting and gas lighting to relieve themselves of any accountability or blame. They make light of their hurtful behavior with humor and expect others to forget what they did or said until the next time and it’s a never ending merry-go-round from hell that will leave you extremely nauseated.
I grew up with both drunks and perverts so I quickly learned the skill of pretending things didn't REALLY happen to keep "peace" in the house. I did this for most of my life and that is why it’s now extremely difficult for me to ignore people who hurt or disrespect me and others. I will gladly call drunks and perverts out on their disgusting behavior while having nothing more to do with them because I KNOW they will repeatedly do it without shame. They are masters at this twisted game. Some think I'm over reacting but after years of never reacting to anything I am now the complete opposite. Instead of ignoring and allowing those toxins to build up which eventually exploded in self destructive ways, I acknowledge bullshit and confront it head on. Most drunks and perverts (and their enablers) can’t handle this and that’s okay!
I’m FINALLY living a life of peace and serenity that I only dreamed of and I will no longer tolerate drunks and perverts. I have faith in myself, my small circle of friends and family. I don’t need the approval of anyone to feel happy or whole and that my friends... is priceless. ✌️ ☮️