I just finished the cult classic "Freeway" with Reese Witherspoon and Kiefer Sutherland. At first I chalked it up to a low budget film with bad acting but I couldn't stop watching it. And I couldn't stop thinking about it for days after. In fact, I actually really liked it. It showed how our upbringing imprints our personality. Our personalities don't change, we are who we are and it made me accept my own quirky personality that I always thought was flawed. Just like Reese in the movie, I’m guilty of being brutally blunt and rough around the edges which can be offensive to many but it's really not by choice. It's how we’re imprinted when welcomed into this world by those who raised us. Reese wasn't a bad person just because she was raised in a bad environment around bad people, but she didnt take any shit and she spoke her mind without worrying about who she offended. She had the compacity to do some pretty horrible things yes, but only to people who did horrible things to her. She had no problem matching punishment with the crime, and I loved this young girl for her grit! She was raw, geniune, and unapologetically authentic. Such a rare thing today in a world of fakes, frauds and conmen. It also shows how immoral, unethical and cruel the legal system is. But that didnt stop Ms Witherspoon from taking the law into her own hands, and beautifully so I must admit. If only more women would be as brilliantly brave as her, more men would think twice before taking advantage of innocent young women, because the law fails them the majority of the time and these creeps know it. So if you haven't seen the movie I highly recommend it! I no longer feel bad about being rough around the edges and ability to offend people with speaking my truth. Like the young hero in this cult classic, I'm not a bad character out to hurt people, or manipulate and destroy. I'm as gentle as a dove, despite being raised by sick and dangerous people. My flaw, like Reese, is being unapologetically authentic. I guess in a world full of people pleasers and phoneys , this can be quit unnerving. Imprinting is a very enlightening topic to research BTW and explains so much about “personality” which is much different than “character”. The young girl in the movie was not a bad character. Despite her upbringing she had values and principles. Her perverted perpetrator however, was a very bad character. So just because one has a traumatic upbringing does not create a bad character. That is a personal choice, and those are very dangerous people. And unfortunately they run ramped amongst us in everyday life, coming across as having very sweet charming personalities, because personalities can be faked. Character can not.. Personality refers to the unique set of traits, behaviors, and patterns of thinking that make up an individual's social and emotional style. Character, on the other hand, encompasses the moral and ethical qualities of a person, including integrity, honesty, and accountability. While personality reflects how someone typically behaves, character reflects their underlying values and principles.