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Friday, October 11, 2024


Addicts love to project onto others when confronted about their relationship with alcohol by bringing up sugar addiction, and other silly comparisons to dodge being accountable and responsible. This just exposes the addict brain for what it is. Much like Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the addict brain is emotionally and morally retarded. They are unable to see or admit to their wrongdoings, so they project onto others to make themselves feel and look better. 

Their arguments are unjustified. Yes, sugar addiction is unhealthy, but it doesn't come close to the harm booze brings to society. Not when you compare drunk driving fatalities, college campus rape/assaults, child and spousal neglect/abuse, endless relationship failures and job neglegence, and a myriad of other alcohol induced chaos.. I can't help but shake my head when I hear these addicts projecting because it’s really an admission of their own guilt and shame. I’ve been there, I get it. 

Another projection example is “You’re so evil!!  Shut up!!” It's not evil to expose manipulative toxic people (drinkers/druggies are manipulative, deceitful, toxic people). It is, however, evil to condone, tolerate, and enable them. Humility is not always something to be proud of, it's something bad people like to throw around as a virtue to make others shut up to cover up corruption and crime. Speaking out against abuse takes courage, integrity and virtue. Taking a stand against bullies, encouraging those who desire freedom from addiction, and giving a voice to the victims of abuse is something that should never be criticized or silenced. Anyone who says differently are only exposing themselves as morally and emotionally retarted and are probably guilty themselves.  

Alcohol addiction is no joke, although most addicts like to make a joke of it, deep down they are very aware of the shamble their lives are in when alone with themselves behind closed doors.  Being a former alcohol addict, and knowing how selfish and destructive I once was, along with my addict birth family, I will never stop shedding light on the world's most dangerous drug. I will boldly be a voice to the victims, and bring hope to those who are sick and tired of living a life of deceit, and shame. 

There is no shame in wanting help to stop being a drug addict. Only respect and admiration. The only ones who should be ashamed are those who point fingers at everyone else but themselves, and those who enable them, while continuing to bring disarray and confusion into the lives of everyone who crosses their path.