It’s ludicrous to think people reward themselves by drinking ethanol to “wind down and relax.” Society even validates them. I see people out in restaurants drinking poison, at weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, sports games, concerts, etc because it’s legal and glorified, just like cigarettes once were, before we knew better. Doctors even justified sucking on cancer sticks for weight loss. Science is finally exposing alcohol for what it is..a dangerous carcinogenic highly addictive drug with zero health benefits.
Like with cigarettes, corporate greed deceives the masses at the expense of peoples health and safety. Ethanol is the new tobacco and soon, people who drink the poison will be ostracized, belittled, shamed, and excluded from gatherings and public spaces. There’s huge movements and celebrities today endorsing a life of sobriety, and not one word of regret.. just powerful testimonies of lives being saved and transformed.
People who cling tightly to the lie “everything in moderation” are delusional because even cigarettes in moderation can cause cancer not to mention second hand smoke. Ethanol in moderation still causes drunk driving fatalities, spousal/child abuse, and disease.
Others smugly like to persuade us by using gramma as an example who lived to a ripe old age of 95 while imbibing daily. Sure, there are people like Keith Richards, but are you gonna gamble your life on a bet when evidence clearly shows the harm drinking poison brings to the average person? Not to mention those near and dear who are forced to deal with the charades of the drinker.
Then there’s menopausal women who say their nightly glass or two or three or four of wine is the ONLY thing that keeps them sane, which is just a confession of their addiction. What’s scary is a lot of these women also take HRT which has been proven when combined with alcohol, triples the risk for breast cancer along with dementia. Menopause is like a check engine light alerting us to our toxic lifestyle. Joint pain, brain fog, depression, anxiety, weight gain and all the other “normal” ailments of menopause makes women vehemently demand HRT. But many men and 20 year-olds suffer these same conditions due to drinking and eating ultra processed fat laden crap. How about we make better life choices, get off the couch and give up the booze.
Another favorite excuse to drink the poison is for relaxation, or fun in the bedroom. If you need to drink poison to distort your cognitive and bodily functions you are severely drug dependent or with the wrong people.
Children know how to have fun and laugh and play and be creative without drinking poison. Adults lose this natural ability when they become addicted to alcohol. Sad.
As with all drugs, detoxification is the only way to get back to the authentic self. Re-learn healthy habits and unlearn bad ones. Simple, not easy.
Trillions of people gave up cigarettes once they learned the truth and have no regrets whatsoever because they now know better. Alcohol is on its way to being the next big lie to join the fall. Those who remain dependent on the poison will be ostracized and shamed just as cigarette smokers are.
There will be no need for AA meetings, because sober people will not feel they are missing out. They won’t be looked at as diseased and unfortunate members of society who can’t “handle” their alcohol. They will be seen as normal and healthy and wise individuals. Those who still drink the poison will be seen as diseased, unfortunate, and uneducated.
There will be signs posted in public places, and on aircraft, “no drinking allowed” and people who do will be heavily fined as alcohol is prohibited.
Personally, I believe all drugs should be legal. There have been numerous studies on this but that’s a whole other issue. Fact is, prohibition does not work, druggies will find a way to get their fix at all costs no matter who they harm.