Alcohol is by far the most dangerous and destructive drug on the planet. Why? Because it's glorified and heavily marketed as something we need in order to have fun, be sexy, tough, popular, cool, and respectable. But the fact is, that it offers none of those things, quite the opposite. People who drink are fearful. They fear being in social circumstances unless they are under the influence. They fear they can't have fun, have sex, socialize, relax, sleep, live. But ingesting alcohol is like pouring gasoline on anxiety. It destroys quality sleep. It doesn't make you good in bed, it makes you sloppy, lazy and incompetent. The alcohol industry deceives us about what we look like when we consume their product. Are they ashamed of how their own customers behave and look when intoxicated on their product? It doesn't make you sexy, it makes you ugly and act like an idiot. It doesn't make you more fun, it makes you obnoxious, loud, blubbery, gluttonous, unfaithful, deceitful, argumentative and aggressive. But they won't put those truth bomb ads on TV commercials. Why not?
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Sunday, October 13, 2024
I think the alcohol industry needs to stop deceptively lying about the effects of their product and stop the mantra to “drink responsibly” because there's nothing responsible about drinking poison that turns people into a dangerously irresponsible embarrassment. They need to stop slapping the label "adult beverage" on it when it's consumed by immature fearful cop outs who can't handle life without numbing and dumbing themselves down. What's adult about that?
Drinkers/druggies love to tell me to mind my own business, live and let live, and even to start drinking again so I’ll "chill out". Typical addict mentality. I will never stop exposing alcohol for the world's most destructive and deadly drug that it is, especially while it’s being so grossly false advertised. You see, that's what drugs do to people. It makes them too selfish to see the harm they bring to everyone around them. It's not just about THEM and THEIR drinking problem. If it was, I wouldn’t give a damn.
There has been a huge shift in the way people view alcohol. The tides are turning and soon everyone will agree there is nothing good about booze. Anyone who tries to defend it or minimize it, will be seen as someone defending heroin. A fool. An addict. A mentally ill person who needs help. Because that's the truth. That's who they are. Tough love does not work on the mentally ill and addiction is a mental illness that drinking/drugging causes. Alcohol literally changes the brain causing brain damage. Sadly, until drinkers get the help they need, they can't see how sick they are and will continue wreaking havoc on humanity, and all that is good.