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Monday, September 12, 2016
Although baptized as an infant into christianity, I never grew up in a home where we went to church every Sunday, or prayed before meals, or even spoke much about Jesus Christ and the Bible. I called myself a christian but I knew very little about scripture and the attributes it gave about God. My journey with christianity didn’t begin until much later in my adult life. A time when I started questioning things about my family and the abuse I thought was normal in every other family. Once a therapist told me my mother and step monster should have BOTH been arrested for what they did, my research began.
Once I confronted my abusers they threw religion at me and my research about God and the Bible began. I then realized how ignorant the majority of the christian world is about what Jesus taught about rebuking, repentance, shunning and exposing evildoers, and forgiveness. I was both shocked and relieved when I read this. Shocked at how deceived christians are and relieved that I no longer had to feel guilty or evil for cutting ties with my abusers. Even if they were my immediate family members.
From then on I became a devout follower and student of christianity. My mission became one of enlightening others to these hard and painful yet liberating truths for victims of abuse as well as addiction. I also suffered from years of drug and alcohol addiction and to this day I give credit to the Great Spirit for the miracle of setting me free from that.
I am no longer a christian but I strongly believe in my God given mission. Exposing evil and giving a voice to their victims so they too can find the courage and wisdom to escape the snares of guilt and religious condemnation abusers love to throw around for refusing to tolerate and condone their destructive behavior.
It’s only common sense to stay away from poison or a hot stove but religion has corrupted the masses to silence and ignore our inner conscience (God) of right and wrong. Instead, religion wants us to rely on evil men and their twisted evil holy books.
The reason I am no longer a christian is because of what is written regarding the “chosen race”. I no longer believe in a god who favors one race over another or a god who will eternally damn the “unchosen” race just for being born from the wrong “tribe”. The Jewish tribal Bible was used to justify the Native American genocide as well as today’s Palestinian/Arab/Muslim genocide. This is reason enough for me to know christianity is nothing but a deadly hateful cult that I want no part of.
Although part of me feels ashamed and embarrassed for falling into a cult so strongly but in a way I have no regrets. If I died tomorrow I will know that I’ve stood for something good and true and that is to give a voice to victims of the morally bankrupt. Whether it’s by my own country or my own family; I will never remain silent in the face of evil. I also sleep better at night knowing that and my hope is one of peace and justice for all, especially for the Palestinians and Native Americans.