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Monday, September 12, 2016
I used to believe the Bible was the word of God but I no longer believe this lie.. Evidence proves it wrong and full of lies Click me!
I first became a Christian in 2012, and by that I mean I studied the Bible fervently, prayed often, and was pretty much obsessed with God. I wanted to know God so intimately and thought the Bible was the way to do it. I quickly learned that most people who called themselves christians knew very little about what was written in the scriptures and it confused me. They often quoted their favorite feel good verses but ignored the hard and uncomfortable ones. Like God chooses us, we don’t choose God. (John 15:16, Matt 7:22-23, Ephesians 1:4) Some people are chosen by God and others He hates and rejects; even before they are born. (Romans 9:13-17, Malachi 1:2-3) There are only sheep (saved and chosen) and goats (hated and hell bound) in this world. (Matt 25:32-33) The chosen tribes and the non chosen tribes. (Rev 7:4) And my all time favorite; scripture makes it clear we are to shun the unrepentant evil doer until they repent. Forgive the repentant but not the UNrepentant. (Luke 17:3, Matt 18:15-17) Expose and shun evil doers who claim to be Christians / brethren not condone tolerate and sup with them! (1 Corinthians 5:10-12) There are some wise old proverbs in the scriptures but historians have proved these are stolen writings from other “pagan tribes” and not “jewish scriptures”. To think that I was under the bible spell for 4 straight years makes me sick to my stomach but now that I know the truth I can no longer call myself a Christian. I don't believe in a genocidal angry god of bloody human/animal sacrifice written of in the Bible. Click here for biblical evidence
My awakening to the perversions of the Bible started with my deep interest in Palestine. The Palestinians have suffered tremendously and still do to this day by a people Christians worship and call God’s chosen or “The Apple of God’s Eye”.. Americans pay billions of dollars a year towards the genocide of Palestinian children. The more research I did the more I became aware that the Bible is nothing more than a manipulative evil book written by manipulative evil men. It wasn’t easy to realize this truth since I was such a devout follower of Christ and student of the Bible; but the truth often times hurts deeply. Most of my life was clouded by lies and deceptions from those who were supposed to love and protect me. Many of Jesus’ teachings freed me from being bound to the narcissistic psychopaths in my family; but I will no longer tolerate lies and deceptions.. Christianity is the biggest lie and deception of all. It has destroyed billions of generations of lives all in the name of Creator God. Islam and Judaism are just as evil and deceptive. Click for Video
Palestine isn’t the only place or people who’ve suffered from genocide and land theft. The Native American’s have a story of their own that makes me cry with shame sadness and anger. Of course our school systems and hollywood have their own versions of Native American history, just as our Media today has their own version of the Middle East atrocities. Christians love to speak about the “end times” and the “holy war”. The way I see it many are in for a big surprise ESPECIALLY the smug proud and religious folks who think our Creator is one of racism and favoritism…
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