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Tuesday, October 29, 2024


 I keep getting told from the “menopause community” and health gurus that yoga and hiking and plant based food will cause my 53-year-old post menopausal muscles to shrivel and bones to shatter unless I take HRT, eat animals, and lift heavyweights at the gym. Well… I just laugh. 

Obviously, it doesn’t take money, meat, and memberships to stay fit and healthy as we age. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Recovering alcoholics like to say "just because I can't handle my booze, doesnt mean those who can shouldn't be free to imbibe and enjoy themselves.' Well, if drinking was the type of drug that only affected the user I would agree wholeheartedly. But, as we all know, it doesn't work that way. You dont have to be a drunk driving wife beating maniac to negatively affect those around you while intoxicated. Social drinkers become lazy parents, neglecting simple tasks of caring for their children when they have to nurse a hangover the entire next day. They make for louzy partners, co-workers, friends, and bosses. Alcohol affects the brain and every other organ to react in very negative ways as it tries to detox the body from the poison. Not all alcoholics kill people driving drunk or beat their kids. So what!! not all psychopaths are serial killers but they’re still dangerous people to be avoided.

To say live and let live, everyone has the right to have fun without interference, I agree. That's why I rail against drinkers because THEY prevent people from having fun by having to deal with their obnoxious intoxication and detoxification. If you must intoxicate yourself in order to be around people and have fun, then do it in the safety of your own home, away from children and animals and the internet. That way you only endanger yourself allowing everyone else to have fun and enjoy themselves, without having to deal with your charades. It's not fun being around loud, repetitive drinkers and people who can handle life without dumbing and numbing themselves down shouldn't have to accept and tolerate such madness. 

“NO body has a body that is meant to handle alcohol.” And that is 100% true. Alcohol is a drug, an intoxicant, and no human body is designed to tolerate it with ease. Just because we as a society have come to believe that tying one on or relaxing with a glass of wine or drinking to such excess that we puke is normal doesn’t mean that it’s what we are supposed to do or designed to do. Doctors smoked in the 1950s and suggested it to patients, even appeared in cigarette ads endorsing their favorite brand. Just because they did that doesn’t mean they were right. It just means that we accepted it as being right. It just means we didn’t question.” Holly Whitaker 

Thursday, October 17, 2024



Why are people surprised how close the polls are between Harris and Trump, as if it's shocking that half the American people want to vote in a malignant narcissist convict as their leader? Well, I'm not at all surprised. Why? Because, when you look at some of the things the American people stand for, voting for a convicted Malignant Narcissist makes perfect sense. 

The worst being forced sexual mutilation of our men at birth while calling it "healthcare" You can't get more shocking than that, yet the majority of American's truly believe the male sexual anatomy is so prone to disease and ridicule, that surgical intervention is necessary. Other developed countries look at us with horror for this barbaric medical practice, because scientifically and morally it's unnecessary and torturous with crippling consequences for both men AND their partners, which affects society as a whole. Research "Imprinting at Birth" and it may explain why our young men are shooting up schools. You don't think cutting off the most pleasurable half of a man's penis has consequences? Think again. 

The majority of Americans also vehemently defend the relentless, century long, slaughter of women and children in other countries such as Palestine. All while using their Bibles to justify it, in the name of the most peaceful prophet they call Jesus. Well, Jesus was born in Palestine and the Palestinians revere Jesus and his mother Mary. I wonder what Jesus would do if he really did return as they keep praying for, to these so-called Christians who worship a false god while practicing idolatry on a nauseating scale? I would love to witness that. Jesus always shocked his phony followers with rebuke while embracing their enemies. Read your bibles America!

The majority of the American people shamelessly invest in factory farming by eating animals who are born into this world who's sole purpose is to suffer a miserable life, then be tortured to death. These Americans laugh at, mock, and ridicule plant eaters who refuse to partake in this corrupt "food" industry. Then they deny all evidence presented to them in defence of their food addiction. Vile. 

The majority of the American people throw their own children in "daycare" institutions in order to afford all the unnecessary luxuries to keep up with the Joneses. Things and conveniences have replaced compassion, sacrifice, and love. Because they also throw their aging parents into institutions, without a thought as to the corrupt care they receive until death. 

The majority of the American people think Americans are the greatest people on earth dispite all of this. But other cultures/countries don't sexually mutilate their men at birth. They don't rely on restaurants and fast food to feed their families, causing the need for factory farming.  They raise their own children instead of farming them out for strangers to raise. And they care for and revere their elders, because self sacrifice and family is everything, not luxuries, self gratification and convenience. 

So no, I'm not shocked at all that Trump, a ruthless convicted pervert, has almost half the country behind him. In fact, America deserves him. The rest of the world is laughing at us because of him. And shaking their heads at the horrific way we live and treat our loved ones. We are the laughing stock of the world! And Trump is a reflection of that.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


Alcohol is by far the most dangerous and destructive drug on the planet. Why? Because it's glorified and heavily marketed as something we need in order to have fun, be sexy, tough, popular, cool, and respectable. But the fact is, that it offers none of those things, quite the opposite. People who drink are fearful. They fear being in social circumstances unless they are under the influence. They fear they can't have fun, have sex, socialize, relax, sleep, live. But ingesting alcohol is like pouring gasoline on anxiety. It destroys quality sleep. It doesn't make you good in bed, it makes you sloppy, lazy and incompetent. The alcohol industry deceives us about what we look like when we consume their product. Are they ashamed of how their own customers behave and look when intoxicated on their product? It doesn't make you sexy, it makes you ugly and act like an idiot. It doesn't make you more fun, it makes you obnoxious, loud, blubbery, gluttonous, unfaithful, deceitful, argumentative and aggressive. But they won't put those truth bomb ads on TV commercials. Why not? 

I think the alcohol industry needs to stop deceptively lying about the effects of their product and stop the mantra to “drink responsibly” because there's nothing responsible about drinking poison that turns people into a dangerously irresponsible embarrassment. They need to stop slapping the label "adult beverage" on it when it's consumed by immature fearful cop outs who can't handle life without numbing and dumbing themselves down. What's adult about that? 

Drinkers/druggies love to tell me to mind my own business, live and let live, and even to start drinking again so I’ll "chill out". Typical addict mentality. I will never stop exposing alcohol for the world's most destructive and deadly drug that it is, especially while it’s being so grossly false advertised. You see, that's what drugs do to people. It makes them too selfish to see the harm they bring to everyone around them. It's not just about THEM and THEIR drinking problem. If it was, I wouldn’t give a damn. 

There has been a huge shift in the way people view alcohol. The tides are turning and soon everyone will agree there is nothing good about booze.  Anyone who tries to defend it or minimize it, will be seen as someone defending heroin. A fool. An addict. A mentally ill person who needs help. Because that's the truth. That's who they are. Tough love does not work on the mentally ill and addiction is a mental illness that drinking/drugging causes. Alcohol literally changes the brain causing brain damage. Sadly, until drinkers get the help they need, they can't see how sick they are and will continue wreaking havoc on humanity, and all that is good. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Healthy people are their own source of fulfillment. They no longer look to others to feel whole. The ability to get this healthy takes years of experience, failures, and self awareness.  It also brings much more genuine and satisfying interactions with others. Healthy people don’t need to deceive others by acting like someone they’re not in order to be liked because they’re not afraid of being rejected or alone.  Healthy people enjoy being alone, so there's no need to manipulate or control anyone to be with them. Healthy people have no empty void to fill, so the time they spend with others is because they genuinely want to, not because they’re feeling lonely. Healthy people enjoy helping others therefore never feel resentment or bitterness, because the good deeds aren't done to gain something in return. Healthy people can tell if someone is genuine or a fake. Unhealthy people with no self respect or integrity are starving for love and acceptance.  Starving people will eat anything, even poison (abuse). Fake flattery and cheesy charm taste like shit to healthy people. But to starving people, they eat it up. Healthy wise women no longer accept abuse or disrespect of any kind from anyone when WE become our own source of joy, and contentment. There is great power in this way of life! Stay healthy ✌️

You don’t have to live like everybody else.  In fact, you’ll probably be happier if you don’t.”
-Joshua Becker

“Sometimes happiness is about less, not more.  Less stuff.  Less striving.  Less waiting for tomorrow when there’s a lot to appreciate and enjoy today.” 
-Lori Deschene

“Realize that you—and only you—are responsible for your own happiness.  Do the things you love and that you find meaningful, partner or not.  Yes, having a wonderful relationship can be one of life’s greatest joys and blessings.  But no one else is capable of, nor should be responsible, for making you happy.  That is your job.” -Eric Teplitz