People pleasers are some of the most cowardly and cringeworthy to be around. They want to be liked by all, and so they are fake to all. I call them chameleons because they blend in with whoever they are around. They stand for nothing or no one for fear of offending anyone. They can’t be trusted for what they say or do because they’re always changing their minds and actions according to who they’re trying to please. It’s no secret we can’t please everyone, so people pleasers please no one in the end. In fact, they are only trying to please themselves by working so hard to be liked, so in reality people pleasers are very self centered egocentric people and I want nothing to do with them. Major red flags for me are when someone agrees with everything I say and acts exceedingly friendly or flattering. They’re either trying to groom me for their own perverse agenda, or they’re starving to be liked and admired. It makes me squirm to watch because again, it’s a show they’re putting on in order to feed their wounded ego. I appreciate and respect people who have a backbone, who aren’t afraid to disagree with me and who stands up for what and who they believe in. Not argumentative know-it-alls, but real, genuine, confident people. Confident people don’t try changing people and they don’t change who they are in order to gain popularity or acceptance. That’s why politicians creep me out so much, because they say what people want to hear then do whatever the hell they want no matter who it hurts in the end. People pleasers are always exposed eventually, as the fraudulent con-men they are.