Thursday, May 9, 2024



Alcohol addiction can be compared to an addiction to a person, an unhealthy relationship. You become addicted to the highs and a drug. Obviously, it can take months to get over them after a break-up. But eventually, we all know, you do. That is, if you want to get on with life and move on to better things. However, some people choose to remain miserable for a lifetime, reliving their story of what happened over and over, looking for answers, sympathy, validation and closure. So they never take responsibility for their healing. They choose to remain a victim instead of choosing to thrive by surviving the bad relationship with new knowledge and skill. Alcohol addiction is no different. Some do the work it takes to overcome the cravings and habitual thinking patterns and repetitive actions, (breaking up getting back together...) while others don't. They're more comfortable identifying as a perpetual victim than doing the hard work. They love the lie that addiction is a lifelong disease they have no control over, because it's easier and safer than change. And honestly, I have no sympathy or patience for these never ending victim identifiers, because they exude negative energy bringing down everyone around them, which only breeds more negative energy. Then they expect the world to tiptoe around them so they don't get  "triggered". When instead, THEY need to be responsible for healing their triggers instead of expecting the world to change for them.