Mind vomit forms the starting point for any great literary endeavour Words are magic, that’s why it’s called spelling
Monday, January 11, 2021
Today is my 9th year of living a hangover free life!! I wouldn’t be where I am today if I was still a drinker. Once I realized alcohol was no longer a positive addition to my life the desire for it was gone. For me that was the key to my freedom. The mindset of knowing I wasn’t missing out or denying myself anything by giving up the drink was the key to success and here I am 9 years later thriving just fine without it. In fact I’m thriving better emotionally and physically at 50 than I was in my teens 20s and 30s! The proof isn’t in my words either, it shows in my lifestyle. My life isn’t perfect, nobody’s is. Life is hard. But at least I don’t run away from or numb my feelings anymore. I have healthy outlets now like my art, yoga, writing, hiking and mentoring others. I know my worth where as before as a drinker, I didn’t. And another thing, I got sober for me myself and I. Not my children, not my husband, not for AA chips or rewards. I did it because I wanted to. Period. 🥳🎉😜🔥🙏❤️☀️ #soberissexy #dryjanuary #yogaover50