Sunday, November 29, 2020



Many of us have had run-ins with Al-Kuhl at one point or another in our lives. Whether it is us who is under the influence or a close relative/friend, we have all witnessed the evil work of the Al-Kuhl. Turning beings into something they are not and leaving them with no recollection of their journey through hell with him.

Al-Kul has turned singular souls into their own worst nightmare. Al-Kuhl has turned loving family’s into hated adversaries. Al-Kuhl has ruined the lives of many good men and women, yet he is still free to roam the earth, causing chaos amongst the land.

I know all of this because I have laid at the knees of the Al-Kuhl influence. I have witnessed it first hand through my experience under the Influence and secondly, I witnessed the work of him at a young age after watching his influence tear my parents apart.

From trouble with authority, to random street fights, to a Christmas day spent in severe pain with concussion. I have had many encounters with Al-Kuhl, many of which I was lucky to walk out from remaining with my freedom.

I am thankful to have noticed his evil presence at such an early age, as it has allowed me to cut off all connection with Al-Kuhl, before his influence put my life in any more danger.

I hope that what I am about to share with you today, can be the all decisive factor in your choice of siding with the Al-Kuhl or not. At the very least I should hope that what I write today will give you enough insight to open your eyes, and open your mind, to the truths of the Al-Kuhl.

Who and what is Al-Kuhl?

I apologise to those of you who love to get twisted come the weekend but I have some bad news. Al-Kuhl is the Arabic word from which alcohol is derived. In its Arabic translation Al-Kuhl means: Body-Eating Spirit.

When we consume high amounts of alcohol we are in effect, extracting the soul essence out of our body. The environment becomes so polluted and so toxic that our true spirit has no choice but to leave until the conditions are better, allowing other entities of lower vibrational frequencies to take us out for a spin. This is part of the reason as to why we get blackout drunk, having no recollection of the nights drastic events that unfolded — apart from the black eye that you noticed by looking in the mirror.

Why do you think the strongest of alcoholic beverages are called ‘spirits’?

He will make you feel good about evil, temporarily, until it all comes back to bite you.

Which it always does, every cause creates an effective action and every action reaps a consequence. Good actions reap positive consequence and bad actions reap negative consequences, ultimately meaning that we get what we give — it’s a law of life.

Now I want you to think, how many times have you been so intoxicated, that you are not in control of your own actions? You look back at the night and think to yourself “Well that was stupid, why would I ever choose to do that?”

The chances are, your true soul didn’t choose to do that, another lower frequency entity did. That is why the next morning when your true soul returns, you are left in anquish wondering how you could possibly have been so stupid.

It is important to remember that it isn’t the lower frequency entity that has to deal with the consequences, ohh no, he is long gone by the time you deal with the cost of his actions. Rather it is your true soul, yourself, that takes all responsibility and consequence.

You might be saying — “But if I’m not in control of my actions, then how am I to blame?”

You were the one who decided to take part in the consumption of Al-Kuhl, so it is you who must pay the ultimate price for your own actions.

What are the predominant effects of Al-Kuhl, why are some so enticed towards it if it serves no good?

My father was an alcoholic, he left home and basically decided to spend the rest of his free time at the pub, drinking towards his demise. Ever since I was much younger I would go and see him every now and again, the location would always be the pub. So ever since a young age I was subjected to see the effects of alcohol on others, in a smelly pub filled with cigarette smoke. The aftershock effects of this younger life experience might be one of the reasons as to why, later on life, I went on my own downfall with Al-Kuhl. At age 17 I spent just under two years, getting drunk almost every day without fail. So having being through all of this I can say that there are a multitude of reasons as to why people resort, to consuming such a devilish drink. Here are 2 of the main reasons;

  1. They seek escapism from life: Many people not only work jobs they hate, but they live life’s that they hate, leading them to seek an escape from the daily stresses of life. Many people spend 5 days of their week counting down the hours until the weekend arrives, so that they can go out and party to forget about life temporarily.
  2. They seek a solution for happiness: Many people who are unhappy with certain circumstances within their life resort to heavy drinking, as they believe it is a solution for happiness — failing to realise that the alcohol only amplifies their current state of emotion. Not only this, but it will cause them to find more misery later down the line.

To start with, yes, alcohol can provide those two things — a form of escape and a feeling of happiness. But once the dose gets heavier and gets used more often you will start to see the reverse of those effects.

Don’t be fooled by this temporary feeling of joy and escape, for you run the risk of leaving yourself trapped in with more misery.

Why is Al-Kul so freely prescribed if it causes no good to man?

Despite these devilish effects I have currently spoke about, there are also a high number of negative health effects that come from heavy drinking — so why is it so freely available for all to consume? It just doesn’t make sense right?

To start with you just have to take a look at how much money the booze market brings in yearly. In 2015 the UK economy alone, brought in £1.6billion from taxes on alcohol consumption. Why would they choose to shut that amount of yearly income down?

Now for the deeper reasons…

Firstly, alcohol numbs down your truest self, your true power and potential. By lowering your vibrational frequency alcohol can keep your trapped, living the same days life on repeat. Constantly wasting your week in misery, just so you can enjoy a brief rememberance of a good time at the weekend.

Secondly, it makes people think that the answers to their problems lies outside of their self, that it lies at the bottom of an empty bottle which ultimately, only causes more problems. It’s a vicious cycle, designed to further enslave the population to keep us under control.

Do you really think that by getting drunk you can find the answer to your problems, whilst lacking control and the ability to focus? Absolutely not. Do you really think they want us to find the answers to our problems? Absolutely not. Our problems not only keep us trapped in the dark, but they keep them in a business that thrives by feeding off of our pure energies.

Lastly, when people get blackout drunk and become possessed by another entity, you will usually see violence and evil. This is so they can put fear into our minds, to make us feel weakened, to make us feel like we are highly vulnerable to being subjected to such evil. Which is false, you are at a higher risk of being subjected to such evil if you follow in the steps of Al-Kuhl, or if you purely focus on the evil which is out there. Which is what they want you to do, why do you think the headlines are usually about violence and evil? They want to plant fear in your mind to hold you back from the abundant life you deserved from birth.

‘You recieve what it is that you put your full focus on; if you focus on the bad then you shall recieve bad, if you focus on the good then you shall recieve something much greater.’

How can we avoid a bad encounter with Al-Kuhl?

The easiest and best way to stay clear from this trap is to simply realise that your drinking habit might actually be serving you more bad than good. Realise that the solution to your answers doesn’t lie within the escape that an empty bottle brings, rather they are found by standing up to your problems and facing them.

As for happiness, realise that it comes from within and can only be influenced by outer sources of self. Realise that you have the power to decide whether you wish to be happy or sad. Realise that you have the power to seek and recieve a more fulfilling job, which doesn’t leave you in misery wishing your week away.

Realise that all the power you ever sought from an outside source lies deep within yourself, brewing, waiting to be unleashed.

A positive note to end.

After such a deeply insightful, worrying article full of negative facts, I feel it is necessary to end this one on a positive note — especially for those of you who love the occasional glass of wine with Christmas Dinner.

Drinking in moderation, once in a blue moon, will not cause you much harm!

Yes. By all means enjoy your glass of wine at that very rare family meal, enjoy a nice beverage on your friends birthday to celebrate. Just remain aware of what level you are on, and remain conscious not to excessively drink.

It is only then, once the substance is overused and the dosage becomes to much, that we will start to harness all of the negative effects that Al-Kuhl influences on us.

Stay aware, remain conscious and stay safe!