After seeing so many posts on Facebook raving about the new Netflix show “Baby Reindeer” I decided to watch it. What a huge dissapointment. It’s supposedly based on a “true story”with the main character playing himself. I get the eerie feeling this is a totally fabricated story, which wouldn’t be the first instance someone made millions from a memoir or movie based on “actual events” only to find later on, it was all lies. (A million little pieces) This smells like one of those instances. The character, who is extremely unlikeable, seems to be addicted to drama and suffering because he welcomes it, creates it, chases it, and craves it, every chance he gets. Then cries victim. He, like many today, identify as perpetual victims. I guess that’s why so many find this show entertaining, brilliant, and heartwarming (as many are calling it). Or maybe they just enjoy watching rape scenes? At any rate, I thought it was extremely cringeworthy. And extremely boring since the majority of the show was about his failed attempt as “comedian.” He refuses to release the real name of his 500 lb. stalker, even though she was supposedly a registered stalker. One of her victims was even a police officer? But no record of this to be found. No name of the stalker. To protect her identity. Because he ends up falling in love with his 500 lb. stalker, fantasizing about her while screwing his sweet girlfriend, and even misses her when she is arrested. Then he goes back to his rapists apartment to say hi. Then his ex girlfriend begs him to go live with her mother, because he’s too distraught to get a real job or function as a normal human being. He’s devoted his life listening to his 500 lb stalkers voicemails, re-reading her emails, and plastering her pictures all over his bedroom. Missing her, and all the drama. So, ex girlfriend comes to bring him home to mama. I’m not buying it….The fact that it’s a true story, or that it’s a must see brilliant show. The things that people today find entertaining is alarming and makes me question the human race now more than ever. I can’t wait for the day this story is exposed as the fake BS that it is. Another attention seeker. And the perpetual victim identifiers will once again, feel victimized.
P.S. I forgot to mention his trans girlfriend and what a wonderful human being she was. Even though she
knows all about abuse sexual assault, and the evil of humanity, probably more than most people, yet she was a genuinely good person…she tried waking him up to his victim mentality. She tried making him take responsibility for being a horrendous chronic liar and his lack of courage to stand up for what’s right and true and good. He also had very loving and supportive parents who showed him nothing but validation and understanding when he confronted them about his rape and stalking and sexual confusion. Tons of people get raped and go through traumatic life experiences, yet they take responsibility for their lives as adults, realizing they are the creators of their own reality. In other words, not all traumatized people become dangerous people. But this guy intentionally destroyed people through his serial lying and manipulation, which is what causes his loving beautiful trans girlfriend to dump him finally because she realizes he’s a loser and losers never change, losers continue lying and manipulating and refusing to grow and learn from there mistakes. All this Gaad fellow does is look for sympathy and attention by inventing a dumb story to make liars and manipulators feel better about themselves for identifying as lifelong victims, bringing nothing but chaos, drama and destruction into the lives of themselves and all those around them.