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Wednesday, April 24, 2024


Lara, a 53-year-old mother of three adult children, is a remarkable individual who defies societal norms and embraces the power of self-transformation. Since 2019, she has been practicing yoga diligently in the comfort of her own home, challenging the notion that ageing limits our physical abilities. With grace and ease, Lara effortlessly performs splits, headstands, and backbends, showcasing the strength and flexibility she has achieved through her dedicated practice.

In 2012, Lara made the courageous decision to quit drinking alcohol, a choice that has profoundly impacted her well-being. As a result, she now feels stronger and healthier than ever before, surpassing the vitality she experienced in her twenties. Lara firmly believes that life encompasses both tragedy and beauty, and she embraces the belief that our thoughts shape our reality. With this understanding, she empowers herself and others to take control of their thoughts and create the lives they desire.

Lara's passion lies in inspiring women to recognise their inner strength and embrace their journey through menopause. She firmly believes that women possess the power within themselves to cultivate health, happiness, and strength during this transformative phase of life. Lara encourages women to have a burning desire for personal growth and to harness their inner strength, reminding them that they can emerge from menopause healthier, happier, and stronger than ever before. Through her own journey, Lara serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for women seeking to embrace their power and thrive during this significant life transition.

Lara is a published author for the Intactivist community regarding circumcision as well as a juror artist in the Washington state erotica art show

How do you feel about being in Menopause? Menopause is not a medical event. It’s not a disease to be feared. It’s a normal phase of a woman’s life. Ovaries are still producing hormones, they do not shrink up and die, they just produce less when we are no longer fertile. Drugs are not necessary to produce the same amount of estrogen our bodies needed in our reproductive years. I think women are being over medicated instead of making healthy lifestyle choices. 

Why did you decide to quit drinking and how did you do it? I was sick and tired of feeling and looking sick and tired.  Whenever I had the urge to reach for the bottle, I would remember how good I felt and how proud I was for waking up hangover free when I resisted that nagging temptation.

Do you miss alcohol? Not at all.  I miss smoking cigarettes sometimes, but never drinking. You can’t crave what you don’t want. I finally realised how good I felt without drinking and how lousy I felt when I did. The guilt, the shame, the stupid things I did or said. There really is nothing at all to miss.  

Do you go to AA meetings? No, I never went to AA meetings to quit drinking. I never liked the vibe at AA meetings. I felt like the mantra there was that you are defective or abnormal because you couldn’t be like “normal people” and have just one drink. I think it’s the opposite actually. It’s normal for our bodies to get sick from drinking a class 1 carcinogen. It’s normal to become addicted to a highly addictive drug.  We wouldn’t say that about crack addicts would we? Poor Susie can’t handle her crack like the rest of us so she’s diseased and missing out. I felt like everyone there was white knuckling day after day just to stay away from the drink. That mindset didn’t work for me. AA works for some but not for all.  I quit drinking for me, because I wanted to…not for sobriety chips or any other reward. I think that’s the secret to sobriety, doing it for yourself because you want it more than anything else in life. And I cut a lot of toxic people out of my life in order to stay sober, that's how important it was for me. I have no regrets for doing that, even though it was the hardest thing I ever had to do, it was so worth that initial suffering.  

Sure some people are more predisposed to addiction than others but that doesn’t make us diseased or defective.  

What was the hardest part about getting sober? Filling up all the extra time! I had so much free time on my hands that I didn’t have when I drank. Drinking consumes a lot of time, the time you can’t drive or do important things with your kids, not to mention the entire wasted days of nursing your hangover LOL.

What is the best part about getting sober? knowing myself again. Being more aware of my surroundings, being truthful about my emotions, my past, my future, getting stronger, and healthier, no more hangovers! No more shame and guilt. 

Why do you think other cultures don't suffer from menopause symptoms the way the western world does? Ageism, diet, stress and unhealthy lifestyle. 

Do you lift weights or go to the gym? Never.  I do yoga and I hike.  That’s it.

Do you follow a high protein low carb diet? No, actually the opposite. I eat tons of carbs, but not processed carbs.  Lots of fruit, rice, potatoes, beans, nuts, veggies seeds, anything that has no artificial ingredients. Whole foods with the occasional weekend splurge. The only meat I consume is seafood. I’m not diabetic, malnourished, or overweight like the carb nazis claim will happen. 

Do you take any medications or supplements to help with menopause? I make my own bone broth, and I take magnesium glycinate, Cod Liver Fish Oil with Vit A and D, B complex, a multivitamin, and iodine. No HRT or other medications. 

Do you deny yourself anything? I eat whatever I want whenever I want, I never feel deprived or hungry.   As with alcohol, once I broke the habit, I no longer craved it.  You can't crave what you don't want. Once I stopped my addiction to processed foods and sugar, I no longer crave it so again, there is no denial.  

What's the biggest detriment to your health? Stress. I get in my head a lot but I’m learning to not overthink things. When I find myself doing it, I name it, acknowledge it, then let it go.  Hiking and getting outdoors is my therapy. I love nature and photographing wildlife.  Find what makes you tick, find your passion, and do it often. Years ago I would grab a cigarette or a glass of wine whenever I got stressed. Now I go outside and move. Nature is the most underrated medicine. It has no negative side effects and it’s great for mind, body and soul. Technology has killed that for most people today. 

A great coach will give you the tools that you need so that you can succeed using your own resources. You Don’t need to follow others or buy their product or subscribe to their mantras. A great Coach teaches their students to tap into their own internal wisdom and they do this by challenging their students with difficult questions so that they can unlearn toxic fallacies the world has ingrained in them since birth, and they can learn about who they truly are what and what they truly want so they can live an authentic satisfying life. 

I’m not a therapist or a counselor I’m a coach.  I don’t wanna hear about your problems I wanna hear about your plans your desires, your strategies to make you someone that you can be proud of, someone that can inspire others, someone who knows that strength, courage satisfaction and happiness comes within. No one else in this world can give you that, only you. I will coach you to be your own hero, your own savior, your own champion..the number one rule first, is you must believe in yourself. 

Connect with me here

Friday, April 19, 2024



After seeing so many posts on Facebook raving about the new Netflix show “Baby Reindeer” I decided to watch it. What a huge dissapointment. It’s supposedly based on a “true story”with the main character playing himself. I get the eerie feeling this is a totally fabricated story, which wouldn’t be the first instance someone made millions from a memoir or movie based on “actual events” only to find later on, it was all lies. (A million little pieces) This smells like one of those instances. The character, who is extremely unlikeable, seems to be addicted to drama and suffering because he welcomes it, creates it, chases it, and craves it, every chance he gets. Then cries victim. He, like many today, identify as perpetual victims. I guess that’s why so many find this show entertaining, brilliant, and heartwarming (as many are calling it). Or maybe they just enjoy watching rape scenes? At any rate, I thought it was extremely cringeworthy. And extremely boring since the majority of the show was about his failed attempt as “comedian.” He refuses to release the real name of his 500 lb. stalker, even though she was supposedly a registered stalker. One of her victims was even a police officer? But no record of this to be found. No name of the stalker. To protect her identity. Because he ends up falling in love with his 500 lb. stalker, fantasizing about her while screwing his sweet girlfriend, and even misses her when she is arrested.  Then he goes back to his rapists apartment to say hi. Then his ex girlfriend begs him to go live with her mother, because he’s too distraught to get a real job or function as a normal human being. He’s devoted his life listening to his 500 lb stalkers voicemails, re-reading her emails, and plastering her pictures all over his bedroom. Missing her, and all the drama. So, ex girlfriend comes to bring him home to mama. I’m not buying it….The fact that it’s a true story, or that it’s a must see brilliant show.  The things that people today find entertaining is alarming and makes me question the human race now more than ever. I can’t wait for the day this story is exposed as the fake BS that it is. Another attention seeker. And the perpetual victim identifiers will once again, feel victimized.  

P.S.  I forgot to mention his trans girlfriend and what a wonderful human being she was. Even though she

 knows all about abuse sexual assault, and the evil of humanity, probably more than most people, yet she was a genuinely good person…she tried waking him up to his victim mentality.  She tried making him take responsibility for being a horrendous chronic liar and his lack of courage to stand up for what’s right and true and good. He also had very loving and supportive parents who showed him nothing but validation and understanding when he confronted them about his rape and stalking and sexual confusion.   Tons of people get raped and go through traumatic life experiences, yet they take responsibility for their lives as adults, realizing they are the creators of their own reality. In other words, not all traumatized people become dangerous people. But this guy intentionally destroyed people through his serial lying and manipulation, which is what causes his loving beautiful trans girlfriend to dump him finally because she realizes he’s a loser and losers never change, losers continue lying and manipulating and refusing to grow and learn from there mistakes. All this Gaad fellow does is look for sympathy and attention by inventing a dumb story to make liars and manipulators feel better about themselves for identifying as lifelong victims, bringing nothing but chaos, drama and destruction into the lives of themselves and all those around them. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024



I’ve just started watching reruns of the TV show Sex and the City. I have to admit it’s highly entertaining and hilarious! And very insightful on so many levels. If you haven’t seen it already, it’s basically about 4 single women in their 30’s who are best friends, living in New York City, having sex with just about every man they meet.     For the most part, I really enjoy the show, but what really irks me is how the main character, Carrie Bradshaw, is a bat shit crazy frazzled chain smoking alcoholic. She at one point dates a recovering alcoholic and when he is surprised that she’s willing to have a “relationship” with him, she responds, “I love alcoholics, I wish I was one!” Firstly, she can’t go one day without booze, and secondly, booze ruined the relationship with her one true love. 

Carrie, for being in her 30’s is as mature and secure as a 13 year old, falls in love with a handsome successful guy they call “BIG” who is divorced and has a phobia of commitment. Her first mistake, if you’re looking for a man to marry and have kids with, you don’t pick a man who has a phobia of commitment. Big makes it very clear early on his intentions are just for fun, yet Carrie acts annoyed and shocked when he doesn’t treat her like future wife material. He is extremely tolerant and patient with her until one night he’s awakened by her screaming at him over the phone, acting like a bratty child in one of her pathetic drunken fits of rage.  They finally break up for good and he ends up getting engaged to someone. Carrie is so delusional and dumbfounded, she can’t figure out how a man who has commitment issues ends up asking someone to marry him. Then she compares herself to the character of Barbara Streisand in the movie “The Way We Were” as if she was just “too much” for Big. Yea, too much of a nagging immature jealous drunk! However, the drunk that she is sees only the faults of others and plays the victim to all of her failures in life, taking zero responsibility for ruining the one and only good thing she had with Big, all because she’s an addict. And addicts NEVER take responsibility for ruining their lives and the lives of others. No wonder people have commitment issues. One bad relationship with a toxic person can give anyone a phobia of getting into another relationship. Especially the way the world is today with the internet. Fidelity and romance are dead. It’s over. Forever. If you are lucky enough to be in a longtime marriage or relationship cling tightly because their’s nothing good out there, the grass is not greener on the other side..the grass is greener for those who water it. Not abandon it.  

Ps I must admit, I hope her and big get back together.  I’m only on season 2 so who knows what happens but I’m looking forward to finding out 🤗

I just finished the series and I absolutely loved it. It touches on just about everything and everyone in the life of love, sex and romance. These women are just like any one of us, fighting to survive in a chaotic brutal wonderful world. The main things I took away from this show are, friends are priceless and vital. Romance and riches don't make anyone happy in the long run. And true love has nothing to do with feelings, but actions and connection. A brilliant show that touches all emotions, some you love some you hate, but isn't that life? I loved how it was made before smartphones, taking us back to when life was so much more genuine, real, intimate and uncomplicated. Too bad they can't come up with great shows and movies like this anymore.

Thursday, April 11, 2024




I’m gonna say something I’ve never told anyone before, and never admitted to myself until now. I hate sex. Sex is way overrated! Men have no idea how to please women, although women are highly skilled at faking it to make men THINK we are enjoying it. This is why the % of women with the inability to have orgasms with intercourse is so low. It’s not because women are broken or flawed, it’s because guys suck at pleasing women. This is why watching porn is such a turn on for men and not so much for women. Because it’s fake. They’re paid actresses. They must do what sells. Which is women screaming and moaning in ecstasy while being fucked by “experienced men”. BULLSHIT! All women are 100% capable of having fantastic mind-blowing full body orgasms…by themselves. It’s only during sex the issue with climax arises. Sure, we can orgasm with sex, with much effort and concentration. But the big O is peanuts compared to solo sex with self. No matter what craziness your TV/computer/phone screen says. It’s all fantasy. And fantasy is ALWAYS better than reality. Sex included. (Most people fantasize about someone else, while having sex. Admit it 😊)  With solo sex, there’s no rush to climax, no guilt for fantasizing, no painful and uncomfortable contortions to perform at men’s ridiculous porn inspired requests, no mess to clean up or gross expectations, no spitting for lubrication, no worry about being compared to men’s brainwashed ideals of how a real woman’s body should look, no putting up with loud snoring as you lay there finishing what they couldn’t, no endless dirty talk and ego stroking, no listening to fake apologies for blowing it too soon. Yes, sex is overrated. Sex, just like anything else take practice. Most men don’t get enough practice, especially in todays digitally obsessed platform.  And those who do get lots of sex, are so clueless to what turns women on.  This is because most men learn from porn or locker room talk, and a woman can spot these types easily. You’re wasting your time trying to educate these egotistical mind fucks. Your best to shut up and scream hallelujah when it’s over, because they truly believe they are gods gift to women and if they can’t make a woman scream like they see on their screens, then be prepared for a major man-child meltdown. No thank you. At my age, I’m old enough to know, sex is way over rated. Sex with me myself and I is ALWAYS satisfying however, on a grand scale of mind blowing, earth shattering, volcanic full body bliss! And it gets grander with age! No ill equipped egotistical man child necessary. Or desired! EVER!!  Now that’s something to be joyous over..And highly underrated!!!!! Crone wisdom for the day, hope you enjoyed it.  Let our souls shine my friends. With authenticity and genuine truth, it really does set us free!!

P.S. women can feel sexy without being horny. Just because a woman feels, acts and dresses sexy, does NOT mean she is horny in desperate need of a man. That’s her birthright to be a sexual being. Without the need to be bred. Allow her that right. Women are not objects created solely for the gratifications of men. IF she wants it, she will let you know.  If she doesn’t, she will let you know. Simple as that.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024



We all lose our looks with age. It’s just a simple fact that we need to accept no matter what lies society spews at us. Clinging desperately to our youthful looks breeds discontent, misery, low self worth and sorrow. We will all lose our looks when we get old. And that's okay. There is no secret surgery, pill, or potion. Acceptance is key to contentment, peace, and joy as we grow old.  Good looks will not get you loved. It may get you lusted after, but not loved, adored, respected, and revered. Look at Betty White! Of course we should strive for good health and agility with age, but as far as youthful good looks goes, it’s inevitable. We all will lose our looks when we get old. And that is okay. It makes more sense to focus on our hearts rather than obsess about our faces and body parts. Wasting precious time, energy and money on our aging skin will lead to despair which always creates an ugly inside. An ugly spirit. Ugly energy... Who wants that?!?!?! Not me.

People blessed with natural beauty struggle more with getting old than those who aren’t. Which explains why most unattractive or plan looking people have the richest personalities over the beautiful sexy people, (who are most often times, dull and self-centered.) They had to work harder to get attention, rather than relying just on their looks. Exceptional beauty is really just a freak of nature. It’s not an accomplishment to be proud of and it’s not inspirational or respectful or even admirable. It’s just good luck.  Some have it, but most don’t.  If you have natural born good looks and want to flaunt it and use it to get places in life, then by all means do it! Enjoy it! But it won’t last forever. We will all lose our looks when we get old. But you better have more than good looks if you want a life of contentment, joy and peace, or you will be endlessly and frantically chasing after your youth and beauty which is quite frankly, embarrassing to watch. You will also be miserable to live with, for yourself and others. Who wants that!! A lot of women go into hiding, sadly, for fear of being judged for having lost their looks. Because that's what society does to women when they get old. They plaster it on magazine covers and headlines for all to sneer and snicker at. Others get their faces surgically altered so drastic that they become unrecognizable and painful to even look at. Even sadder....

Instead, ask yourself…"what do I have to offer the world when I lose my looks? What am I going to be proud of? How will I be attractive to others? Get the attention that I am so used to getting? How will I be admired, respected, and adored? Like Betty White was! How will I feel when I realise I am no longer lusted after? How will I be comfortable in my own skin!! Finding our worth in excelling at things we love, or overcoming hardships to inspire others to do the same, or bringing joy into the lives of others, is much more rewarding and gratifying than having a pretty face and perfect body.  Those things will never fade. That is where you find your self worth and confidence.  That’s something every young woman needs to ask themselves, in this youth/beauty obsessed digital phony culture we are drowning in today.  Because we ALL WILL lose our looks when we get old. It’s inevitable. And that’s ok. Accept it with a smile. Find humor in it. Find your soulshine! 🤗 

Sunday, April 7, 2024



Somewhere today, a builder is finishing work on a beautiful handcrafted home that has taken them a year of labor to complete. A baker is putting the final touches on an amazing cake, their finest work ever. An artist is placing the final stones in an intricate mosaic work. Just a year ago these creations would be fawned over and widely appreciated, inspiring others to dream and to create.

But somewhere else today, a lazy individual with no talent is typing keyword prompts into an artificial intelligence photo image generator. In just a few moments the computer will shit out a photo realistic image created solely by AI. Fake cabins, fake cakes, and fake art. They will then create a social media page and upload them. These fake images will be shared a million times and receive hundreds of likes and comments praising the "work" and "creativity". The person who uploaded them will receive a handsome payout from all the social media engagement you've cheerfully given them with your well intentioned likes and shares. They will then upload even more of these images, flooding our screens with things that don't exist but appear to.

AI "art" is garbage. It is soulless. It is uninspired. It took no effort to create. There is no love, no labor, no sweat or tears. It is destroying social media, destroying the livelihoods of artists, and crushing our collective creative spirits. Why bother to try and create anything real if the results will never be able to compete with AI? Why put in the effort?

Stop rewarding these AI "creators". Learn to recognize AI. Share real things. Real pictures. Real work. Real art. Call out your friends when they share this fake drivel. Peer pressure them into rethinking what they share. Ask WHO the artist is, who the builder or baker is. If no artist is credited it's probably because there IS no artist, just somebody profiting off of your naivete. We're past the novelty phase. This shit just isn't cute anymore.