Saturday, May 21, 2022



Look in the mirror. What do you see?  Some can’t look in the mirror. Some hate what they see, it really all depends on what’s inside the heart.  If you feel shame guilt hate and sadness the image will be different than if you feel love peace and joy.  The deeper you get within yourself, and the more aware and compassionate you are of your inner dark shadow, instead of ignoring it, the cleaner the mirror.  

I’ve always believed people who trigger us are our greatest teachers in life. I don’t mean those who abuse or try to destroy us, but those who say it like it is, push our limits, challenge us, expose us.  These are the people who push us to look in the mirror and face all those cloudy perceptions that need our attention.  I love these people, yet they are so rare because most are people pleasers and bullshiters saying things they think you want to hear in order to be loved liked and wanted.  I’d rather be around real honest people with integrity who aren’t afraid to rock the boat. I call them peace makers.  Peace makers are much different than peacekeepers. 

Peacekeepers want to keep the “peace” by keeping everything status quo, stagnant with no growth or accountability. They sweep things under the rug, avoid confrontation at all costs, sugar coat everything and live in denial.  Peace makers on the other hand confront us, call us out if we cross  a boundary, approach us with concern when they see self harm, give positive constructive criticism.  These people are often seen as too aggressive but in the end they bring us more inner peace and self respect than ass kissers who live in denial. They keep us looking through a foggy mirror caused by our angry neglected inner dark shadow. Have you been blinded by the light? Not everyone gets to this level, it’s only for the brave of heart. A small tribe of people who you should feel grateful to cross paths with if you’re so lucky.