Dear fragile Facebook followers regarding my YOGA...(you should really check out Instagram Yoga it will blow your mind LOL)
I’m not searching for my worth, I already know my worth. I’m not a sinful worthless wretch deserving of eternal damnation when I die just for being born human. I’m just a woman, no more important than the animals I love so much, and no less than the churchgoers who’ve devoted their lives to their god. But I'm a fighter and a survivor and for that I'm proud.
I’m also not disrespecting myself for sharing my healthy strong body that I’ve worked hard for at my age when most have let themselves go. I’m celebrating myself. I respect myself for the self discipline and grit that it took! My husband is proud of me and to those who think my goal is to seek out acceptance or reassurance from others don’t know me at all.
Exhibitionists do it for the reaction not acceptance and reassurance. I was raised by an exhibitionist. So I am what I am and I’ve come to accept myself for who I am. I’m no longer poisoning myself with drugs and alcohol, my mind is alert and clear, and my body is strong. And I love showing it off.
So to all my critics out there who think I’m searching for acceptance, reassurance, and attention. I already accept myself for who I am, my camera reassures me that I look damn good at my age considering the hell I put it through in my younger years, and what the hell is wrong with wanting attention? Isn’t that what everyone on social media is after? LOL! Look at your posts? They may look different than mine but you’re still seeking attention. We’re human, and who wouldn’t feel good for being called sexy at 50 years of age, especially a mother of 3!
My motto is SOBER IS SEXY so I will continue to endorse sobriety the way our media endorses alcohol. Except I’m not trying to sell a product under a false guise at the expense of your health. I’m just being me and sharing my journey. I get a lot of messages from men who’s wives are alcoholics and they want so bad for them to be free like me. I also get a lot of messages from women AND men who are inspired by me and have started working out and cutting back on the booze. So I choose to focus on that instead of the few negative critics who are either bitter jealous or guilt ridden for their extreme religious views. I really have nothing to say to you other than lighten up and smile.