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Saturday, November 18, 2017


I was reading a book called “The God Virus” and it helped me come to terms with WHY I got so deeply and dangerously involved in the Christian Cult. It explained what attracts the minds of people to certain religions and denominations. Evangelical Christianity is the most recent god virus of our time and one of the most deadly and severe. Very rigid thinking of black and white, right and wrong, with no grey areas. I believe my upbringing was lacking so many healthy boundaries and involved so much indifference towards things that should have mattered and when I finally had enough, this religious doctrine filled that void. It validated my thinking that some things really DO matter and some things ARE very bad which need to be exposed and condemned. I’m still very black and white in my thinking.

My dysfunctional family only had one written rule or boundary and that was NO exposing family secrets. No rebuking or holding people accountable. I still use the language of the god virus because that’s the only language I know to express the bullshit that I endured for so many years. Nobody ever told me it was okay to call evil things evil or hold people accountable for their wicked deeds. I didn’t know I could withhold forgiveness and reconciliation with unrepentant evildoers even if it was my own birth family!

The Christian doctrine is also helpful for those who are riddled with guilt and fear for their wrongdoings and abuse towards others. Really, the god virus is so cleaver to have every version available for every sick mind looking for a cure! These are the christians who share only the fluffy feel good bible verses showing a god of only love with no anger and wrath. These are the christians who I used to really hate. They obviously were so sick with guilt they had to reject half of the bible to believe in their own version of god. Why else is the bible so full of contradictions? It hooks people from every angle! 

If it wasn’t for my crazy love for the Palestinians and my anger and disgust at the Christian world for their hatred against them just for being Arabs of the wrong religion, I might still be a Jesus freak. Sure it was nice to think I had my own personal savior who loved and watched over me as his own. But when I looked at the suffering of the world around me and the injustice done to the innocent in his name I can’t believe in or love such a worthless absentee “father” god. If he does exist he can prove himself but until then I have no faith in or interest in a god of indifference.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


I think society's obsession with "honor thy mother and father" is just as harmful to humanity as the "forgive and forget" psycho-babble. I think it’s the cause for so much unnecessary guilt, self hate, mental and physical illness. It also gives a green light for abuse to flourish.

People have no problem speaking out against abusive perverts but when it’s a parent, a mother especially, then it’s taboo. Even therapists fall for this harmful obsession. It wasn’t until I was given permission by a therapist to SAY that my parents were monsters, and I wanted NOTHING to do with them, that I began to heal. Christianity kept me stuck. I was rushed into the forgiveness mode. I was told I must honor and love my parents. So I said it until I thought I felt it but really I was faking it because deep down, once I accepted the truth and confronted my parents with it, I was livid. I was scared, hurt, angry, sad, and the last thing I wanted to feel was love and forgiveness. 

My writings were dark and hateful, all matching up with the Bible of course. The angry jealous possessive god of war who was going to come down and destroy all of my enemies. He would bring recompense and justice. So I stuffed down my hatred, anger and pain knowing in time wrath would come. If my other human emotions came up I was told it was of the Devil and not of god. No wonder so many christians are riddled with guilt and self hate!

Since I’ve left the tribal bible cult, I have learned to take off the mask and acknowledge ALL of my emotions. Not just the "good ones", but sadness, anger, wonder, despair, fear, and hatred. I don’t think it’s wrong to hate certain people for the things they do. It’s called being human. It’s when we act on that hate and get enjoyment out of hurting others that it’s a problem. 

Studies have shown that people who deny themselves their true feelings, tend to act out in forms of rape, murder, or self harm. Could it be that they’re afraid of breaking the commandment Thy Shall Honor Thy Parent? Even those parents who sexually abused them? Beat them? Tried to kill them? Humiliated them? Instead of being able to express their anger or hatred towards their own mother/father they had to release it onto others. (society is obsessed with the idea of all moms being loving and tender. In all of the memoirs I've read most of the time it was the mother who was the molester/abuser) 

Ever see the Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho? I don’t believe people are born evil like I used to in my christian cult days. I think our childhood from the second we’re born determines who we become. Some people have lived through hell as children and grow up to be empathetic loving people. Others become Narcopaths. I could be wrong but I believe those who don't allow themselves to feel ALL human emotions, are the ones who turn into psychopaths and serial killers. And I believe the cultural brainwashing tactic of honor thy mother and father is the main reason for their denial and fear of feeling. 

Children with loving parents will love their parents. They don’t need a commandment demanding them to. And no abusive monster deserves honor or love unless they stop abusing. Even if that abuser is a mother. It’s time we stop making victims feel guilty for exposing and shunning an abusive parent and do away with the bible standards of living and this antihuman bullshit psychobabble.

Thursday, November 2, 2017


The last 60 seconds of this mans video really got me thinking. He says the world has had an emotional circumcision..empathy has been cut away from the human heart. It led me to thinking about what Jesus said in the Bible. Circumcision of the heart replaced the Old Covenant of genital cutting. But when you think about what circumcision really is and what it actually removes then you understand more what circumcision of the heart means. 

Male circumcision amputates the most sensitive part of the penis therefore circumcision of the heart would remove the sensitivity of the heart. Just like male circumcision hardens and callouses the glans/head of the penis circumcision of the heart would create a hardened less sensitive heart. And when you read the nightmarish stories in the Bible it’s no wonder Christians are robotic heartless and immune to their god’s criminal commands and deeds!

I’ve spoken to many Christians who agree with the slaughter and torture their god performed against children and animals in the Bible and they ALL call it righteous holy and good! just because the book says so.

I’ve read and listened to many testimonies from men who hate their circumcision and are suffering on a daily basis in more ways than one because of it and it breaks my heart to no end. I don’t care if there are men out there who love their cut up penises and sex lives. Good for them! But my concern is for those who are NOT happy about their cut up penises. Why are these men being ignored! Silenced! Shamed!

I believe this man is 100% right on the money regarding his last statement in this video. Since I’ve started Intactivism I’ve only spoken to a handful of people who agree that infant genital cutting is cruel sick and twisted. Most people defend it, condone it, and support it wholeheartedly. And most all of them are men who’ve been cut themselves! This sick American tradition is kept alive by it’s own victims because they’re too prideful ignorant and ashamed to admit they’ve been sexually damaged. And shame on those women who body shame guys into thinking they need their penis parts amputated before they'll go down on them. EVIL BITCHES! Your vaginas stink too when you don't care for it properly and are much more prone to nasty smelly infections than a penis is!

Muslims Jews and American’s are the only culture who sexually mutilate their children. They’re also the most violent. Coincidence? I think not.