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Friday, March 24, 2017


Circumcision was invented by religions because of their belief in sin and unworthiness. That sensuality is not divine and sexuality should only be used for making babies. Also, because of this illusion that we are sinful and unworthy creatures, we do not deserve pleasure. This has created guilt and shame which is propagated and capitalized upon by religions, the media and corporations to sell products and control the masses.

This sexual repression is continued by an ignorant society of sheep continuing to believe the lies and propaganda of the money machine. And part of that plan is the subjugation, repression and theft of the true essence of masculinity and femininity, both of which are disempowered by social shame and guilt and in this case the first rape of males and the destruction of the sacred Lingam, a gift of God for the pleasure of man as well as women. If you take something away from people, or make them believe they have lost it, you can manipulate them and control them by always selling them what they belief they do not have. Circumcision denies both principles and robs us of our birthright with the ability to experience the joy of sensuality and sexuality of this animal world of form, but with the high awareness of dimension and experience.

Circumcision is a heinous and completely unnecessary attack on the physical wellbeing of a new born baby. It is designed to disempower the individual by disconnecting him (or her) from the masculine and feminine potencies. Disconnecting them from their own individual unique sovereignty. Tying them energetically and physically to tribal consciousness and customs, and to a reality/illusion of survival.

Circumcision is designed to repress the true sensual/sexual yang essence of the male principle. To repress the instinctive, creative qualities of boys, by desensitizing and exposing their most fragile and sensitive part of their bodies, thusly controlling their ability to feel and experience pleasure. It desensitizes and exposes the masculine potency to the elements and to humanity. 

The foreskin protects the glans so that the only time it is exposed is during urination, washing and engorgement. By exposing the glans 24/7 it takes sexuality away from men and boys. It is a blatant act of control and ownership, as if parents, clergy, doctors, nurses, politicians and society own our penises and bodies. They obviously do not and when people wake up and develop compassion, there will be immense regret experienced by mothers, fathers, doctors and nurses for butchering their sons and patients. There will be massive tears and regret for these gruesome acts routinely performed.

No one has any right to chop off a valuable and integral part of anyone’s body, especially without their consent, and at this completely vulnerable and fragile age. It is one of the most heinous acts of aggression ever devised by the patriarchal system that has sought to oppress and repress, to instill the illusions of power and control.

The first act of disempowerment and separation, was ripping the baby from the mother and separating them, in addition to severing the umbilical cord way before it was non-functioning. (The umbilical cord should not be severed for up to 6 hours, at least until it stops throbbing). This begins the process of desensitizing the individual. And begins the process of emotional wounding and the repression of these wounds, and future traumas, for survival. Toughen those boys up to make them “real men”. These heinous acts also disconnect vital electromagnetic water circuits in the human body. Circuits that would nourish the endocrine system and the brain. Welcome to Planet Earth! Learn to repress your emotions and emotional traumas or you will have a real hard time being here.

By tearing the baby away from the mother, and attacking one of the most sensitive and vulnerable parts of a little boys body, completely shatters all trust between the mother and baby, and shatters the bond between them, especially because of the fact that the mother not only allowed it, but probably requested this attack, out of her own ignorance, disempowerment and lack of compassion. And for most people, this bond has never been healed or reconnected, but continues to be repressed because it was too traumatic to deal with emotionally for the baby/boy/man. People then typically seek to somehow heal this wound through codependent relationships..

In order to have allowed it and approved of it in the first place, the mother and father (and everyone directly and indirectly involved), had to disconnect (or be disconnected) from compassion within themselves, and disconnect from the baby emotionally to support such a heinous act of aggression. This repression of compassion also has to continue for them to not regret this act. This begins the separation between them and their child.

By butchering penises, doctors, mothers, fathers, nurses…, are robbing males of so much. In order to even do such an aggressive act of ignorance, everyone involved has to be so disconnected from compassion and feeling that it is absolutely tragic. To strap little fragile boys to a table and butchering a beautifully perfectly designed protective and gratifying layer of integral skin, is not only immensely tragic, but is a blatant conspiracy, repressed and denied by everyone.

The fact is, the average man with a butchered penis (I choose these words specifically to denote the true facts, not a desensitized medical description), does not know what he is missing as it was taken from without his permission and has repressed this trauma and rape of his little fragile body as soon as he entered the world. Un-intact males will never know the pleasure they could have experienced with an intact pupis. They are forever deprived of full genital pleasure and their lovers are also forever deprived of receiving the full extent of the male potency through his pleasure. Until I grow mine back, I will not know the pleasure and nurturance connection that I could have been experiencing with an intact penis.

Circumcision is a forced projection of sexual guilt and shame. It completely dishonors the male and female potencies. It is time for these blatant attacks against the male and female potencies,to disempower us all – to stop! It is time for this completely disrespectful, archaic and barbaric practice to stop. The freedom, realization and embodiment of loving sexual expression and experience is only accomplished by liberation from guilt, shame and unworthiness. We are not sinful at birth, as the ignorant religions would convince us of, we are solely and completely innocent, pure and whole at birth.

If you or your lover is intact, honor this fact.  The divine Lingam should be treated with the utmost respect as should the Yoni and our entire bodies, as the divine temples that they truly are.

Honor your temple of Divine Love.
