Friday, June 7, 2024



Immature, bratty, catty girls don’t change much after highschool, and they're just as obnoxious in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond. It seems the menopausal years are another time for them to bitch and moan about life and how unfair it is. Pregnancy was another time these women used as a free ticket to stuff their faces with junk food and sit around all day expecting to be catered to. Then cried because of the consequences..fat swollen ankles, diabetes, hypertension, difficult labor and delivery etc. Well, menopause is no different. These types often treat their bodies like crap their entire lives, then when they enter into menopause they scream how unfair mother nature is for cursing them with all these negative side effects of their own rotten choices. And when women who didn't choose to treat their bodies like crap sail through menopause with minimal issues, and aren't afraid to showcase what a healthy lifestyle does for a body, the bratty catty girl fangs come out desperately trying to silence us with degrading verbiage.

I get it, life's not fair and sometimes we're dealt a hand of debilitating ailments, but that's still no excuse to become lazy and treat your temple like garbage. My daughter had her colon removed and lives with a permanent ileostomy bag, but that doesn't stop her from going to the gym everyday, cooking her own healthy meals, and abstaining from drugs and alcohol. There are amputees who perform marathons! There's zero excuses! We are the only ones in control of our circumstances. These brats demeaning other women for thriving in their later years for making good choices to live a healthy lifestyle, is simply immature school girl nonsense. I pity these types because they only have themselves to blame and deep down inside..they know it. Which is why they're so pissed off and miserable. It's wise to just smile and ignore these types, with a grateful heart that we chose a different path. After all, when you feel like shit, you behave like it.