We all lose our looks with age. It’s just a simple fact that we need to accept no matter what lies society spews at us. Clinging desperately to our youthful looks breeds discontent, misery, low self worth and sorrow. We will all lose our looks when we get old. And that's okay. There is no secret surgery, pill, or potion. Acceptance is key to contentment, peace, and joy as we grow old. Good looks will not get you loved. It may get you lusted after, but not loved, adored, respected, and revered. Look at Betty White! Of course we should strive for good health and agility with age, but as far as youthful good looks goes, it’s inevitable. We all will lose our looks when we get old. And that is okay. It makes more sense to focus on our hearts rather than obsess about our faces and body parts. Wasting precious time, energy and money on our aging skin will lead to despair which always creates an ugly inside. An ugly spirit. Ugly energy... Who wants that?!?!?! Not me.
People blessed with natural beauty struggle more with getting old than those who aren’t. Which explains why most unattractive or plan looking people have the richest personalities over the beautiful sexy people, (who are most often times, dull and self-centered.) They had to work harder to get attention, rather than relying just on their looks. Exceptional beauty is really just a freak of nature. It’s not an accomplishment to be proud of and it’s not inspirational or respectful or even admirable. It’s just good luck. Some have it, but most don’t. If you have natural born good looks and want to flaunt it and use it to get places in life, then by all means do it! Enjoy it! But it won’t last forever. We will all lose our looks when we get old. But you better have more than good looks if you want a life of contentment, joy and peace, or you will be endlessly and frantically chasing after your youth and beauty which is quite frankly, embarrassing to watch. You will also be miserable to live with, for yourself and others. Who wants that!! A lot of women go into hiding, sadly, for fear of being judged for having lost their looks. Because that's what society does to women when they get old. They plaster it on magazine covers and headlines for all to sneer and snicker at. Others get their faces surgically altered so drastic that they become unrecognizable and painful to even look at. Even sadder....
Instead, ask yourself…"what do I have to offer the world when I lose my looks? What am I going to be proud of? How will I be attractive to others? Get the attention that I am so used to getting? How will I be admired, respected, and adored? Like Betty White was! How will I feel when I realise I am no longer lusted after? How will I be comfortable in my own skin!! Finding our worth in excelling at things we love, or overcoming hardships to inspire others to do the same, or bringing joy into the lives of others, is much more rewarding and gratifying than having a pretty face and perfect body. Those things will never fade. That is where you find your self worth and confidence. That’s something every young woman needs to ask themselves, in this youth/beauty obsessed digital phony culture we are drowning in today. Because we ALL WILL lose our looks when we get old. It’s inevitable. And that’s ok. Accept it with a smile. Find humor in it. Find your soulshine! 🤗