Tuesday, April 16, 2024



I’ve just started watching reruns of the TV show Sex and the City. I have to admit it’s highly entertaining and hilarious! And very insightful on so many levels. If you haven’t seen it already, it’s basically about 4 single women in their 30’s who are best friends, living in New York City, having sex with just about every man they meet.     For the most part, I really enjoy the show, but what really irks me is how the main character, Carrie Bradshaw, is a bat shit crazy frazzled chain smoking alcoholic. She at one point dates a recovering alcoholic and when he is surprised that she’s willing to have a “relationship” with him, she responds, “I love alcoholics, I wish I was one!” Firstly, she can’t go one day without booze, and secondly, booze ruined the relationship with her one true love. 

Carrie, for being in her 30’s is as mature and secure as a 13 year old, falls in love with a handsome successful guy they call “BIG” who is divorced and has a phobia of commitment. Her first mistake, if you’re looking for a man to marry and have kids with, you don’t pick a man who has a phobia of commitment. Big makes it very clear early on his intentions are just for fun, yet Carrie acts annoyed and shocked when he doesn’t treat her like future wife material. He is extremely tolerant and patient with her until one night he’s awakened by her screaming at him over the phone, acting like a bratty child in one of her pathetic drunken fits of rage.  They finally break up for good and he ends up getting engaged to someone. Carrie is so delusional and dumbfounded, she can’t figure out how a man who has commitment issues ends up asking someone to marry him. Then she compares herself to the character of Barbara Streisand in the movie “The Way We Were” as if she was just “too much” for Big. Yea, too much of a nagging immature jealous drunk! However, the drunk that she is sees only the faults of others and plays the victim to all of her failures in life, taking zero responsibility for ruining the one and only good thing she had with Big, all because she’s an addict. And addicts NEVER take responsibility for ruining their lives and the lives of others. No wonder people have commitment issues. One bad relationship with a toxic person can give anyone a phobia of getting into another relationship. Especially the way the world is today with the internet. Fidelity and romance are dead. It’s over. Forever. If you are lucky enough to be in a longtime marriage or relationship cling tightly because their’s nothing good out there, the grass is not greener on the other side..the grass is greener for those who water it. Not abandon it.  

Ps I must admit, I hope her and big get back together.  I’m only on season 2 so who knows what happens but I’m looking forward to finding out 🤗

I just finished the series and I absolutely loved it. It touches on just about everything and everyone in the life of love, sex and romance. These women are just like any one of us, fighting to survive in a chaotic brutal wonderful world. The main things I took away from this show are, friends are priceless and vital. Romance and riches don't make anyone happy in the long run. And true love has nothing to do with feelings, but actions and connection. A brilliant show that touches all emotions, some you love some you hate, but isn't that life? I loved how it was made before smartphones, taking us back to when life was so much more genuine, real, intimate and uncomplicated. Too bad they can't come up with great shows and movies like this anymore.