Saturday, January 20, 2024


Menopause is not a disease



Menopause is being treated by the pharmaceutical industry BIG PHARMA as a disease, instead of the normal biological change that it is just like puberty and pregnancy. It’s simply the end of our reproductive years. A time to make much needed changes in our lives. But the medical industry wants to sell us the lie that we have become deficient and need to be fixed with supplemental medicine. They’re saying we weren’t meant to live this long, and the consequences of living past our reproductive years brings deadly and horrific symptoms that need medical intervention. So women aren’t meant to live once they can no longer reproduce? But men can? Even though women live longer than men, often without medical intervention? 

How to stay juicy through menopause

Orca whales also go through menopause, which I find fascinating! and live well past their reproductive years. They have since forever.  They become leaders instead of breeders.  They remain important and vital additions amongst their societies. They are also just as strong physically and mentally as they were in their reproductive years. Their bodies don’t shut down and they don’t become diseased or unproductive. 

My role models are the 90-year-old yoga teachers, 80-year-old gym bunnies, the 72-year-old man who took up Tantra for the first time, the women in their 60s gushing lubrication and raising their libido after taking up yoni eggs—this is normal

Does a woman’s body really shut down no longer capable of living a happy joyful purposeful life without a Drs help? Is this mother natures way of saying our only purpose is to give birth and please men sexually? Are we meant to live only as long as we are firm, plump, and juicy? By medical standards, living past menopause is a new phenomenon, a freak accident, a dire need for medical intervention or we will spend our last days suffering sexual disfunction and ever increasing risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and Alzeihmers. Seriously?

I’m having a hard time buying this narrative.  Change is a part of life, and change doesn’t always feel good in the beginning, but we learn to adapt and thrive in spite of it..often better off for it. Orca whales certainly adapt just fine. As do many women around the world. People who live in the Blue Zones (live to be 100 + years of age) don’t get treated with medicine that the Western world does. Because they don’t suffer the diseases that the western world does. And these women live well beyond menopause with very few symptoms western women face, all without hormone therapy. The Dark Side of hormone prescription This is proof enough for me that women do not become “deficient” in menopause and HRT is not the disease prevention that the western world is trying to sell us.  I’m not against women using HRT if they need it, but I am against anyone who says we NEED it.  Or that HRT dangerous HRT is disease prevention. It’s actually just prolonging the inevitable. The changes in hormones to carry us into the next stage of life, just like puberty did. We can fight it all we want but it’s going to happen. We will age, our bodies will change, we will adapt, and we will die. I see menopause as a wake up call. The woman’s body is extremely resilient, strong and intuitive. She is trying to tell us to make necessary changes in our lifestyle. Eat healthier, enjoy rest/sleep, move more outdoors, and stop doing things that are making us sick (alcohol abuse, sugar and processed food dependency, toxic relationship attachments) and start focusing on ourselves more. 

Report: 9 out of 10 Drug Companies Spend More on Marketing than Research

We’ve spent most of our lives focusing on and taking care of everyone else. Now it’s our time. Is that so bad? I guess it is if you hate change and want to remain stagnant.  I love change, and I hate stagnant.  I refuse to believe the lie that we are meant to get weaker and sicker with age.  We are NOT meant to shrink away from life, hide our wrinkles and our aging hair and bodies. Women get wiser with age and have much to offer the world if we tap into this inner intuition, and stop listening to the patriarch narrative and snake oil products.  They are getting filthy rich on our ignorance.  It’s time to wake up and rise! Knowledge is power, seek and you shall find! 

Is menopause getting worse? How obesity, birth control and 'forever chemicals' in water are making hot flashes more intense

Replacement estrogen and progesterone not is necessary for menopause. The adrenal glands make the steroid hormones needed by all organs. In spite of this knowledge, women are still being prescribed replacement hormones that cause endocrine imbalance and side effects. 

Women have been oversold HRT for decades