People are becoming dehumanized. Thanks to the Internet we’ve lost touch with our most innate human traits and have become overstimulated brats. Things that used to excite us bore us. We are becoming artificial intelligence. Instead of being guided by our natural human instincts and seeking wisdom from within and Mother Nature, the Internet now programs our thoughts, beliefs and desires. The Internet is now our source of joy, motivation, entertainment and knowledge. People don’t act the way they did before the Internet. It’s ruined us. Relationships are a huge facade. Based solely on appearance instead of energy, vibration and pheromones. Great musicians, bands and blockbuster movies are a thing of the past because of this dehumanization . Convenience has replaced quality. We don’t need each other anymore, we no longer have the human craving and hunger for other human connections.. robots and the virtual world are taking over our jobs and especially human sexuality and even romantic relationships. People have become too lazy fat and digitally fixated to ever get bored, creative, or stimulated towards anything good. Walking and talking robots we are. Glued to our phones and desks and pixels. AI will be the thing that brings our species to extinction. Or has it already? The frog is slowly boiling and few are to dumb to notice or even care. Comfortably numb. Dehumanized.