Monday, November 9, 2020


We’re all addicted to suffering and drama to some extent. This explains why I was so fanatical about religion and politics  and circumcision. My childhood was more like a war zone than a safe place so I was always on edge. It’s no wonder why when I grew up I felt more comfortable in toxic environments. It was familiar. When I became sober and cut ties with my birth family and all that was familiar and “comfortable” I had to replace it with something so I became a religious fanatic. Once I abandoned religion I became a political fanatic exposing  Christian Zionism and the Palestinian injustices. Once I abandoned politics, I became a raging activist speaking out against circumcision in the most harmful ways imaginable. Once I abandoned that addiction I became a yoga addict and still practice it on a daily basis. Yoga helped to bring stillness in my life. I then took up art which I still practice daily as well. I’m learning Shamanism now, which is actually an UNLEARNING and at the heart of this Native American study is finding your own truth/self.

 I see so many today suffering from political and religious fanaticism and it’s a reminder of what I used to be. It’s no different than alcoholism because it effects everyone in their path and the world as a whole. I sit back and watch and cringe and can only hope that they too will soon wake up and be free from their addiction of suffering and drama. And instead look within themselves for truth and healing.