Saturday, October 12, 2019


I just saw the movie "Joker" last night and it was phenomenal on so many levels to me. I know some hated it, thought it was too violent or boring or disturbing. But I was captivated by Joaquin Phoenix performance and the story behind it was deeply touching to me. I keep saying to me because this is my version of it. I’ve written before, I think in my memoir, about how I’m always drawn to the villains in movies because they usually have a reason for being that way, and it’s usually rooted from a dark childhood. The Joker is no different and it was nice to finally hear his side of the story instead of Batmans, who I really dislike, because as my daughter rightfully said he’s just a rich man with a lot of fancy gadgets. The movie shows who I believe to be a young Batman who witnessed his parents murder right before his eyes, and even met the Joker for a fleeting moment where the Joker treated him with nothing but kindness and innocence. 

So the Joker grew up being severely abused at a very young age by the men in his mothers life, while she sat idly by watching and abandoning him to all sorts of torture. Yet he grows up with her version and he ends up living with her and catering to her in her elder years, while finally killing her after he learns the real truth of her monstrous mothering skills. She was diagnosed with malignant narcissist disorder and delusional psychosis. 

I’ve always been drawn to the character of a person much more than outward beauty and always thought Pheonix to be very unattractive but in this movie, and I predicted this would happen, I was electrically charged and captivated by him from his long wavy unruly hair to his slow erotic dance performances. Apparently, I'm not the only one LOL! Yes, the laughing got a bit obnoxious and I wish the movie showed a turning point where he would learn to cry instead of laugh when he was hurting, scared, sad or angry but it didn’t  It just proved to me that some people are forever broken, through the conditioning of their abusive parents. The damage his mother caused him couldn’t be fixed. It became a part of him, and although he was not a mean person, he was actually very childlike, kind, and sensitive, the world made him finally fight back which made him feel powerful, recognized, validated, and human. He got his point across in a way society says is wrong, by killing the bad guys, those higher up on the ladder who laugh at those in the gutter, those who hurt others for entertainment and boredom, those who lie and ruin the reputation of others for their own ill gotten gains, and those who were supposed to love and protect us as children but turned the other cheek and fed us their own twisted version of the truth while telling us how to feel act and live. Yet society glorifies our soldiers who murder people in other countries we know nothing about, only someone else's version of who they are. As the Joker said, right and wrong seem to be objective and thats a whole other debate. 

I adored the Joker and was rooting him on til the end with exhilaration as the movie screen showed riots and chaos in the city. He’s a rebel, fighting against a sick society who tries to silence and ignore the cries of the forgotten, lost, and unfortunate. Who wouldn’t want to be on the underdogs side? I ask myself. Those who have no idea what it’s like to be one. I do and that’s why l'm completely and helplessly drawn to the villain in movies.