You don’t need AA to quit drinking, you don’t need a yoga class to do yoga, and you don’t need to lift weights and gorge on meat to build muscle and strength. You don’t need a support system to succeed. If you really want it bad enough, look within yourself, believe in yourself, and do it. It’s possible only through YOU. Sure it helps to have a circle of family and friends to lean on for comfort support and inspiration. But it’s possible to do it all on your own if you want it bad enough and I’m living proof of that. I quit drinking without the support of my birth family who are all addicts themselves, and no AA meetings got me through. I don’t take yoga classes and I don't follow a high protein low carb diet, yet I’m in the best shape of my life at 48 years old. We have nobody else to blame if we’re not happy with how things are. If you have people to thank for helping you get to a good place in your life then count yourself as lucky, but you wouldn’t be there without your own strength and determination. Nobody can make you happy more than you can. It takes grit courage and persistence for sure but the power has always been within yourself. You have the power and no one else. So don’t forget to thank yourself when you get there.