Monday, April 8, 2019


Benefits from being free from alcohol. I'm sure everyone's journey and addiction story is different but this is mine.
  1. Peace of mind
  2. No more hangovers
  3. No more guilt, shame, and regret
  4. Better mother and wife
  5. Sleep better
  6. Wake up refreshed and energized
  7. Eat whatever I want without weight gain
  8. No more puffy face and bloated belly
  9. Decrease in wrinkles and broken blood vessels around nose
  10. No more tired dull and baggy eyes
  11. Look and feel younger
  12. No more high cholesterol
  13. No more family drama and heated arguments
  14. Freedom from abusive toxic people
  15. No more rage and roller coaster mood swings
  16. No more forgetting what happened the night before when I go out
  17. No more fake conversations
  18. More time in the day
  19. No longer have to plan my days around my addiction
  20. Sunrises are amazing!
  21. More energy and spunk
  22. More genuine towards others and myself
  23. Learning who the real me is
  24. No longer a helpless slave 
  25. Having self confidence, self respect, and self love
  26. No more self hate but pride in myself
  27. No more lies or excuses for my bad behavior
  28. Real courage not obnoxious liquid “courage”
  29. No more waking up at 3 a.m. over thinking and fretting
  30. Decrease in anxiety and depression..big time
  31. No more all day carb cravings, binge eating, laxatives and vomiting
  32. No more room spinning
  33. No more fighting to control or limit my drug use
  34. More money!
  35. Started writing a blog
  36. My dreams came true!
  37. Look to self for happiness instead of others 
  38. Embrace my weirdness and uniqueness 
  39. No longer afraid to feel and deal with my feelings and emotions
  40. Perfect work attendance!
  41. Less colds, illnesses and injuries
  42. Less headaches..almost non existent  
  43. No more Advil abuse for headaches
  44. No more sloppy fake sex
  45. No more jonesing for my fix!