Tuesday, March 26, 2019


I don’t miss drinking at all but I do sometimes miss cigarettes.  Cigarettes at lease didn’t make me suffer painful hangovers, weight gain, raging mood swings, sleep deprivation, and those god awful carb cravings. No fake conversations and obnoxious behaviors either. And it didn’t cause family drama or destruction against others. I did however suffer all of those things with alcohol so why in the world would I miss it? People think they can’t have fun without booze but they used to when they were kids didn’t they? Before addiction set in? I’ve had loads of fun before I ever became addicted to the drug of alcohol, but drugs like to tell us lies like, without it we are boring and we start to depend on it.

Whenever I’m around drunks, I never once wish I could be them.  However, whenever I see someone with a cigarette sometimes I do want one, but then I remember how much better I can breath, and I  no longer have to stand outside in the freezing cold just to get my fix. I am no longer an addict but free and in control. If you think you can control your drinking you’re already out of control. People don’t say I can control my intake of spinach do they? People need to control what controls them whether it’s food or drugs. Period.

I'm addicted to Yoga and horses. If someone said I can never again have or do those things I would freak out! These things make me truly happy though. Alcohol addiction never did. 

Maybe if people were ostracized and criticized for drinking like they are for smoking they wouldn’t feel so afraid to quit. Smokers often hear “those are gonna kill ya You better quit! Those are nails in your coffin! You really need to give those up they’re gonna make you wrinkle faster!” 

Drinkers should be told the same thing! It’s a carcinogen just like cigarettes are! Alcohol not only makes you look and feel disgusting but also BEHAVE disgusting!

Why do people depend on alcohol for happiness when it doesn’t make you happy. I’ve seen many violent and angry and blubbering drinkers. Drug dependency doesn’t make anyone happy. 

If you were told you could no longer eat bananas would you feel fear? Only drug addicts fear the thought of living without their drug, non addicts don’t. You don’t have to tell me cigarettes are deadly but alcohol is the world's most dangerous drug when you consider the harm it does to drinkers, their friends, and families and to society in general. The harm that alcohol does exceeds the dangers of even heroin and crack cocaine when the overall danger to the user and others is taken into account.

You can’t say that about cigarettes. Just because our culture accepts it as good doesn't make it good. Wake the fuck up.