Sunday, September 23, 2018


I have no problem with alcohol or people enjoying it but I do have a problem with drunks and people abusing it. I’m not perfect and I’ve had my fair share of abusing booze myself so I know how destructive selfish and obnoxious it makes us. I also know every trick in the book drunks use to justify and disguise their toxic behaviors. Being perfect has nothing to do with it. Being responsible and accountable does. We are expected to be responsible law abiding citizens but for some reason, when it comes to booze, responsibility legality and accountability goes out the window. 

Why is booze so glorified? I often hear parents brag about buying their underage college kids booze. They provide endless booze to the underaged at football tailgate drunk fest's while the cops just tip their hats as they quietly walk by with a grin.. Again, I have nothing against enjoying alcohol. Abusing it, breaking the law, and bragging about it? Yeah, that’s a problem. Especially when these drunks end up on the highway and marijuana is demonized. 

It’s one thing to see teens or college brats drunk off their asses but it’s quit repulsive to see grown adults doing it. This is the main reason I quit drinking all together (besides the painful paralyzing hangovers) because I saw how disgusting and humiliating my certain family member was while drunk and my greatest fear was to turn into THAT. Besides, alcohol makes you fat and ugly!

Drunks are glorified and yet pot smokers stigmatized. I would much rather live in a society of stoners than loud obnoxious and belligerent drunks. They’re everywhere! Facebook is full of “glorified drunks” going off on tangents only to wake up the next morning to delete all of their shameful ignorant comments and posts. And as usual, they make a joke of it because after all “it was the booze talking NOT THEM.” Meanwhile, everyone is expected to forgive forget and move on as if nothing ever happened until the next drunken episode. BULLSHIT on that! 

What's my problem with drunks? Maybe because I’m a former drunk, (like ex smokers are supposedly the worst to rail against smokers) I see my old self in them and remember the pain I caused others? Maybe because I was raised by and surrounded with drunks most of my miserable childhood? Maybe because of the hypocrisy of how pot smokers are “criminalized” yet drunks, who ARE the biggest destroyer of families and love and all that is good, are  glorified and tolerated. 

I’ll continue exposing drunks for what they really are as they continue calling "pot heads" deadbeats. No pothead is as dangerous and destructive as a drunk. Drunks are obnoxious, loud, and aggressive individuals who leave lasting scars on their children and loved ones but are too selfish and defensive to see it and admit it. You wanna get inebriated? Go for it! Just stay the fuck off the roads, lock yourselves in a room away from any children, animals, and computers and stay there until you are no longer a threat to society and your families!  I have no problem with that...Have fun :)