Tuesday, October 3, 2017


When I finally woke up and was able to see just how dysfunctional my birth family was I became obsessed about it. I became obsessed with the hows and the whys and that’s when I became extremely educated about Malignant Narcissism. This started my journey into the Christian Bible and when I knew it like the back of my hand and saw how it was being used in politics and society as a tool to justify the unjustifiable, I left the Christian Cult for good. Just like I left my entire birth family for good when I realized how toxic and dangerous they were. This was no easy thing to do and I believe that’s why I dove so deeply into my belief of the Bible god because so much of it’s writings confirmed my feelings about shunning evil doers until and unless they repent. Religion is like a magnet to the afflicted and forsaken. So when my birth family rejected me, god/religion was the perfect cure.

Like so many who grow up in a dysfunctional abusive family they don’t realize just how abnormal their family behaviors were until they separate themselves from it or see how other families operate. It wasn’t until I went to a therapist who told me my parents should have both been locked up for a very long time did I realize just how justified I was to divorce my “parents.” It was no use in explaining my decision with my siblings because out of self preservation they had to deny reality. They live in denial to this day. Since then, I have become obsessive about exposing lies and deceptions that society likes to deny, condone, or tolerate either out of ignorance or their own self preservation. And just like my family rejected me, most will do the same. And I’m completely okay with that. I’m at the point in my life that I no longer need “friends” or approval for who I am and what I do. There is a wonderful sense of freedom and peace that comes with that!

Imagine it’s culturally acceptable in your country to cut off the right arm of all newborn babies. (You know where I’m going with this!) You have an epiphany and start to question this strange amputation ritual and realize that the rest of the world doesn’t do this! In fact, they say your country is wrong to do so! When you try to educate others to this fact, most people completely ignore you and the few who DO respond angrily insist that they function just fine with one arm. Others say they want their kid to look like their one armed mommy/daddy, (to prevent locker room teasing) it looks better, it prevents disease, and babies don’t even remember the pain of their amputation. Of course most get angry when you tell them they have been mutilated and are not a full functioning person like those who have 2 arms. Some even say, “It makes no difference to me… one arm or two arms, I see no difference at all. Why are you making such a big deal about it???”

Would this not make you a little neurotic? Obsessive? I started questioning this tradition the first time I heard about the disgusting Jewish oral circumcision ritual. Then when I heard the horrific screams of these poor infants during the 20-30 minute procedure I became obsessive. Also, I know what it’s like to have those who are supposed to love and protect you, harm and damage you. There are things that were done to me as a child that had a life long effect on the person I am today. I will never be the person I could have been had I been raised in a loving and safe environment.  That was stolen from me along with the life long benefits that come with it. Just like the men today who have been circumcised and are forever damaged from it. I know how they feel when they’re rejected for speaking out against what was so wrongfully done to them. But they aren’t speaking out for pity or attention and they’re not going out harming others. They’ve dedicated their lives to stop this barbaric inhumane tradition for the sake of future babies and men. They also don’t care what others think about their choice to speak out on a subject so many are not only ignorant about but ashamed and embarrassed when it’s brought up. I think it’s shameful and disgusting that American’s protect the genital rights and integrity of girls but not boys! Shame on you America!!

I’m sorry that so many American men have had this unnecessary amputation done to them. But am I supposed to lie and say you’re better off with one arm instead of 2? I’m not saying you are unloveable, gross, unworthy, or a reject. But I am saying that because of America’s deceptive medical professionals who preyed on the ignorance of your parents, you are not who you could have been. You had a very special part of your body stolen from you against your will and in a VERY brutal way. Scientific studies have proven that the trauma you endured during your amputation has lifelong effects on your brain development and function. I am sorry, you didn’t deserve that! But I can not be quiet because you’re offended. For the sake of little boys and men to come I will continue to speak out along with many other men and women both young and old, circumcised and uncircumcised. Circumcision is the most common surgery performed in America. Educate yourselves. Watch a Circumcision. We’ve been lied to and it needs to end.

mcision Man Researches CircumcisionCIRCUMCISION... HOW TO BREAK A BABY'S SPIRIT