Friday, April 7, 2017


I didn’t grow up in a religious household but being born and brought up in a Christian culture, I learned the stories of Jesus, the cross, heaven and hell. I spent 2 years in a Catholic boarding school but never really took to religion. My religious experience started much later in life at a time when my whole world came crashing down.  This pain “drew me to god” to try and find answers.  It’s a proven fact that most people “find god” in the darkest times of their lives whether it’s a death/ loss of a loved one, time spent in prison, or when facing death themselves. Once I started studying the Bible I started to believe it was god causing all the pain and chaos in my life to "draw" me to him (therefore saw my pain and suffering as a blessing) and it wasn’t until I was well versed in the bible that I began to question the reality of this tribal god and all the stories written.

Christianity’s main message is all about embracing pain and suffering, self denial and total submission to it’s god. No wonder it draws the afflicted like a moth to light. The prosperous, and healthy may claim this god as their own but they’re usually the ones who don’t take the bible seriously or even know what’s written in it. These are the ones who go to church on Sunday, pay some tithes, pray here and there, and go about living their lives. But the afflicted and broken tend to seek out this god with all their mind heart and soul. These are the ones who end up knowing the bible through and through. These are the “good” christians who are the most dangerous to society. The “bad” christians who live for this life yet claim the christian god aren’t as extreme or dangerous but because they believe in this god it enables christianity to thrive and continue destroying the lives of many. 

Why do I “waste” my time exposing this mystical god so much? Because I know how it corrupts the minds and hearts of it’s believers. I know the pain it brings to their loved ones and the world as a whole. Religion is poison and destroys all that’s good in the world. Religion is outdated yet kept alive by the ignorant indoctrinated fools for the profit of evil rulers who are often times not believers at all but atheists. They use religion as a tool to enslave, subdue, and rob the masses. Some brave people begin to question things they’ve been taught at a young age and break free from the lies and deceptions. Others are too fearful and selfish to question things because truth is always uncomfortable at first. 

The religious often say self denial is the key to compassion and love for others. But I’ve learned through all of this that when you focus so much on denying SELF, it puts all your focus onSELF. When your life focus is on your own wretchedness, suffering, martyrdom and favor with the almighty; how the hell is your mind on compassion and empathy for the world around you? It's not.  Instead you assume you’re above the “infidels and heathens”. That’s why when religion is questioned and mocked the only responses are threats of damnation or false assumptions of ones soul and destiny after death. It’s all fearful ignorance based on the assumptions of man written on pages of a book.