Thursday, February 9, 2017


A relationship with zero boundaries is dangerous. Healthy boundaries are necessary for relationships and the world as a whole. Ever heard the saying, the world isn’t evil because of evil men but because good men do nothing? To allow someone to do harmful things to another and call it love is insane. Even if it is family or friend. Love ALWAYS stands against bullies and supports the victim. Dottie Sandusky is a sick evil women and just as guilty for the crimes her perverted husband committed on those boys, because she knew what he was doing and remained silent. Therefore, she had the power to prevent other kids from being sexually abused by her sick husband, but instead she chose to hide and deny it; calling it love. True love would have exposed the crime to protect the innocent. Of course we all have habits and mannerisms that aren’t perfect but a habitual child molestor deserves punishment. Just as a habitual wife beater, adulterer, or serial killer! To “accept” and “work around” these things isn’t love at all. It’s hate. 

Here is a great article written on the wicked Dottie Sandusky who stood by her monster of a man~

I think it's time. Time we euthanize this old bag before she spreads anymore stupidity to an already delusional fan base. Time to take her out behind the barn and put her to rest. I wish the world was flat, so we could set this bitch on fire and launch her right off the side of it. Usually I say things like this is jest. When I say Dottie Sandusky is not capable of being in society anymore I say it sternly.

What's lost in the multitude of crimes committed by Jerry is the role his wife played in them. She is as guilty as he is for affecting the lives of countless children forever. I would even say more so than Joe Paterno. Dottie is a battered wife. Not in the traditional sense. She is much like women who put up with spousal abuse and return to the perpetrator for a variety of reasons. Simply because she wanted to believe he could change, or didn't believe he was capable of such heinous acts, she let child abuse happen in her home for years. She stood idly by and enabled Jerry. Only her lack of action didn't affect her well being, it affected the well being of innocent kids. Kids who may very well suffer from distress pertaining to these crimes for the rest of their lives. She is the very definition of an accessory to a crime.

There is no debating that Jerry is the biggest criminal in this whole scandal. He is not mentally stable. The ability to touch children without regret is one that is definitive of having a sickness. It's not only for past crimes, but for his ability to commit future crimes that he will likely die in a prison cell. I would argue his wife has a very similar sickness. For her to not have the moral fiber to stand against one of most disturbing crimes that can be committed is deplorable. She should not be allowed to live amongst us and have basic choices between right and wrong. She has proven herself unworthy.

When I read the above quote where she says "I didn't know whether to laugh or cry" I felt actual rage. Her inability to see the truth, or her ability to ignore the truth, in the face of 45 convicted acts of sexual abuse is mind numbing. It's not cute. It's not loyalty. 'For richer or poorer' went out the window a long time ago. These two haven't been in good health for decades. There's no reason for anyone to lie. Jerry Sandusky is as guilty as anyone who has ever been guilty of anything. It's not a question of 'if', it's a question of how often and to what extent. Dottie Sandusky's ability to laugh in the face of one of the most egregious sex scandals in history makes her just as guilty as her other half, who now spends his days rotting behind bars. The only thing that is at all laughable in this op-ed is when she says she has a "moral responsibility to set the record straight". She is as bankrupt morally as someone could possibly be.