Is it not white Christian America anymore? Well..There’s a Bible in every hotel and motel across the country. There are churches great and small packed through out the country. The smaller the town it seems the more church shacks you’ll see. It’s not rare to witness street preachers handing out their judeo-christian literature or hell fire speeches on street corners (Muslims/Jews/Hindus don’t do this) Hollywood comes out with a movie every year about the Bible god. Bumper stickers clothing and other “Jesus Loves You” merchandise are promoted throughout the country. I’m not sure what it’s like in your neck of the woods but in mine, the Nations Capitol Bible belt Washington D.C. area, whites are the majority in all aspects of life and business unless you drive through certain poverty stricken neighborhoods. This country was founded on Bible bashers and they used it to “tame and educate” the nature loving Native People to make room for our modern #robotic civilization and #greed prosperity. White Christian America has done much and should be given credit where credit is due. Does this make me a race hater? Well, if calling a pedophile out for his crime who just so happens to be White then yes. If judging a rapist for his crime who happens to be Hispanic then yes. If exposing a crooked Jewish politician for his murderous crimes makes me antisemitic then YES. You can call me a race hater, because I hate ALL humans who intentionally destroy and harm others and will proudly and loudly continue exposing them for who and what they are. Even if they’re white christian Americans.