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Thursday, June 27, 2024



Mary Claire Haver is a fraud. She has not published anything in peer-reviewed journals, she does not appear as an author in PubMed or in the National Library of Medicine, or in ResearchGate. Her Galveston diet is neither tested nor RCT-validated for the claims she makes. Yet she proudly wears the crown “savior of the dreaded menopause.” The new disease needing a cure.  

Mary claims that we become hormone deficient in menopause when our ovaries shrivel up and die, which is scientifically disproven. After menopause, the ovaries no longer release eggs. They also stop making estrogen and progesterone, though they're not completely inactive. Long after menopause, the ovaries produce both testosterone and androstenedione that are peripherally converted to estrogens,are%20peripherally%20converted%20to%20estrogens. After menopause, our ovaries are still responsible for producing 50% of our androgens. Furthermore, new hormones and factors are identified every day, so there is probably a wealth of other hormones that our ovaries make after menopause which we have not identified yet.

The long list of "menopause induced diseases" Mary rants about, with a little too much excitement on her youtube channel, are due to poor lifestyle choices. Not menopause. Young women (and men) can experience these same symptoms if they do things that cause hormone disruption...eating fat laden processed foods, drink alcohol, out of shape and overweight, highly stressed, caffeine addiction, horrible sleep habits, etc etc etc. Mary loves to push artificial hormones on women as if they will magically erase all these horrible side effects from indulging in a toxic self sabotaging lazy lifestyle. No wonder these women love her so much!! Who doesn't want an easy way out, instead of changing their bad addictive habits! Who cares about the deadly side effects! First of all, our bodies don't become deficient in estrogen. Our bodies make a different form of estrogen because we no longer need the kind for making babies. It's so disappointing to see women follow the footsteps of charlatan male doctors who, for centuries, have been selling us snake oil with "promises" to stay young, vivacious, juicy and beautiful until we die. Although, we can not escape aging unless dying young, aging doesn’t = these god awful symptoms and crippling diseases on Mary’s list. We can stay vivacious, juicy, pain free, healthy and beautiful, through healthy diet and lifestyle.  But she doesn't talk about that does she... 

Mary also pushes the ever more popular than ever, high protein low carb diet scam, which has been scientifically disproven time and time again. The Cooper study, the 7th day adventist study, the China study, all debunk her diet book scam and all the other internet superstars who push the Atkins inspired mayhem. Science shows that our bodies need more carbs than protein to function properly. Yet everyone is frantically counting their daily protein intake for fear of being protein deficient. It's literally insane. Read Proteinaholic. Science shows men who eat too much animal protein suffer Erectile Dysfunction. I'm sure it affects women in that area too.  


Mary is a fraud in bed with Big Pharma. But her followers worship her like she's Jesus Christ himself. But even Jesus warned about these frauds (Romans 16:18) I've called her out on her horrific misinformation with scientific evidence and she blocked me, and I'm sure many others who call her out on her laughable, but fraudulent claims. As with all things, the truth will be known in the end. The fact that there are millions of women around the world thriving disease free well into their 80's 90's and even over 100 without ever touching Mary's "forever breeder" hormones is proof enough that menopause is not a disease or a horrible joke Mother Nature is playing on us.  I hope more people wake up to her medical misinformation around menopause and the many others out there pushing these artificial hormones onto desperate women who just want to feel good. They need to learn that they are the architects of their lives, and every choice they make/or don't make comes with a consequence. You can’t keep treating your body like crap and expect to feel good. 

Mary even admitted in her latest interview that it IS possible to age healthy WITHOUT HRT  It’s just a lot harder  In other words, it’s easier to just take a pill then eat healthy and develop healthy habits. What a croc of shit this woman is  

41 minutes into video 👇

Best comment ever on my Redit post!



Hormone “replacement” therapy scam for menopausal women

Saturday, June 22, 2024



Americans are stupid and simpleminded, uneducated, sex obsessed fools.  Maybe it has to do with their horrific imprinting at birth and trauma that the body never forgets.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024



There are 2 things I have zero tolerance for. Drunks and perverts. They both hurt others through their selfish crass ways while expecting everyone to endlessly over look their hurtful behavior as if it never happened while having no intention of stopping.

When drunks and perverts are called out on their disgusting shameful behavior they are masters at diverting and gas lighting to relieve themselves of any accountability or blame. They make light of their hurtful behavior with humor and expect others to forget what they did or said until the next time and it’s a never ending merry-go-round from hell that will leave you extremely nauseated.

I grew up with both drunks and perverts so I quickly learned the skill of pretending things didn't REALLY happen to keep "peace" in the house.  I did this for most of my life and that is why it’s now extremely difficult for me to ignore people who hurt or disrespect me and others. I will gladly call drunks and perverts out on their disgusting behavior while having nothing more to do with them because I KNOW they will repeatedly do it without shame. They are masters at this twisted game. Some think I'm over reacting but after years of never reacting to anything I am now the complete opposite. Instead of ignoring and allowing those toxins to build up which eventually exploded in self destructive ways, I acknowledge bullshit and confront it head on. Most drunks and perverts (and their enablers) can’t handle this and that’s okay! 

I’m FINALLY living a life of peace and serenity that I only dreamed of and I will no longer tolerate drunks and perverts. I have faith in myself, my small circle of friends and family.  I don’t need the approval of anyone to feel happy or whole and that my friends... is priceless. ✌️ ☮️ 

Sunday, June 16, 2024



“My dad looked like a movie star. 

He was so proud of his German heritage and he would have been so proud of me for working at a such a prestigious German company. He was the most intelligent man I have ever met, he was a historian and he knew everything about every president,  he loved Abe Lincoln. 

He was really into researching our genealogy and that’s how I got my name… our family was related to the painter Maxfield Parrish.. original spelling of the family name was Paris. He was an equestrian, he loved dogs, boxing, feeding his bluebirds , reading, good food, good beer and was to a fault the ultimate ladies man… he loved women and they loved him! 

His laugh was loud, hearty and contagious..  I think I got my laugh from him and definitely my strong German legs. Sometimes I can see him in Leo who he got to meet when he was a baby and then again when he was 2… he called Leo a bruiser cause he was such a fat baby. 

He was an amazing man. He lived to 91 and had a great life!! 

He taught me a lot about life and love. 

I miss him!

William Cramer Birely … even his name was cool.

Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads who help raise amazing people.”

From my sister Paris 💕

Friday, June 7, 2024



Immature, bratty, catty girls don’t change much after highschool, and they're just as obnoxious in their 40’s, 50’s and beyond. It seems the menopausal years are another time for them to bitch and moan about life and how unfair it is. Pregnancy was another time these women used as a free ticket to stuff their faces with junk food and sit around all day expecting to be catered to. Then cried because of the consequences..fat swollen ankles, diabetes, hypertension, difficult labor and delivery etc. Well, menopause is no different. These types often treat their bodies like crap their entire lives, then when they enter into menopause they scream how unfair mother nature is for cursing them with all these negative side effects of their own rotten choices. And when women who didn't choose to treat their bodies like crap sail through menopause with minimal issues, and aren't afraid to showcase what a healthy lifestyle does for a body, the bratty catty girl fangs come out desperately trying to silence us with degrading verbiage.

I get it, life's not fair and sometimes we're dealt a hand of debilitating ailments, but that's still no excuse to become lazy and treat your temple like garbage. My daughter had her colon removed and lives with a permanent ileostomy bag, but that doesn't stop her from going to the gym everyday, cooking her own healthy meals, and abstaining from drugs and alcohol. There are amputees who perform marathons! There's zero excuses! We are the only ones in control of our circumstances. These brats demeaning other women for thriving in their later years for making good choices to live a healthy lifestyle, is simply immature school girl nonsense. I pity these types because they only have themselves to blame and deep down inside..they know it. Which is why they're so pissed off and miserable. It's wise to just smile and ignore these types, with a grateful heart that we chose a different path. After all, when you feel like shit, you behave like it. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024



"After all I've done for you!" This is a blanket statement said by abusers and criminals. All their cringy perverse behavior is erased in their eyes if they perform "good deeds". What a load of crap! First of all, these attempts at "good deeds" are for their own benefit and no one else's. How will you know? Because they always use them against you, when the time serves them. If they get called out on their BS they'll cry this pathetic mantra "After all I've done for you, this is the thanks I get?" When a victim finally gets the brains to leave these perverted losers, they love blurting out to all who'll listen, "I did nothing but good for her/him." This is a huge red flag and you should run like hell if you hear these words spew out of their mouths. It's leverage and ammo for them, not good deeds done from a sincere heart. Trump is the biggest fraudulent con man of all. His followers love to parrot the phrase "I dont like him as a person, yes he did horrible things, yes he treated women like trash to be used and abused, yes he said perverted racist sexist things, BUT! he ran a great country. Well, the Germans said the same thing about Hitler, so what? Whether or not this perverted loser was great for our country is debatable, but facts are facts. Trump is highly disturbed and now, finally, a convicted felon. He got what he deserved, after all he's done.