I offer no apology for what I am posting, for this is truly how I feel. This is my opinion not a debate. If you disagree I’m perfectly fine with that, we can agree to disagree and move along with our lives. Although, I sometimes do argue my beliefs for the sake of those who have no voice. I am ashamed but not surprised by ruthless, mean spirited hateful cruel biased immoral unethical people. Some of our country’s traditions and values are just that and are far from deserving respect and honor. Circumcision = Male Genital Mutilation being one of those traditions. I have lived through several US presidents prior to our current and I have seen and heard them all scrutinized and humiliated in some form or fashion. If Trump seems to be the worst “victim” of slander maybe we should ask ourselves why? There’s usually a reason people are disrespected hated and berated to such degrees. Leaders are not above reproach just because they are leaders. That would be dictatorship or tyranny. And not all those in leadership positions deserve respect. That dangerous mentality can be found in everyday life. I’ve seen it my entire 48 years on this planet. Whether it’s a parent, coach, teacher, boss, pastor, or doctor. There’s nothing wrong with calling people out on their bullshit especially when others are being harmed by them. This is the main reason I hate sports. Coaches demand respect and their favorite players can do no wrong, and if they do it’s overlooked. Kids are told to honor and respect their parents even if the parent is abusive and toxic. Many kids are forced to shut up and tolerate all kinds of disgusting abuse because our society and it’s religion says they must. Especially when it’s a mother doing the abusing, because after all EVERYONE must love mom for “giving us life.” School is another example. A teacher was guilty of ludicrous improper conduct, yet the teacher remains and the students must learn to deal with it and show respect. Don’t even get me started on the POTUS. I see a post everyday on how they were taught the nobleness of respecting their elders no matter what. (And how their bible commands it.) I suppose this warped mindset will never change as long as people fear questioning and challenging those in higher respectable positions and the not so respectable traditions we’ve adopted. Which is why I’ve pretty much removed myself from society and surround myself with nature and animals where I belong. I’ve quit the work industry because I got sick and tired of seeing it there too. Managers and physicians never get challenged or reprimanded for immoral behavior and as long as that paycheck keeps a comin’…. respect is demanded to those who deserve none.