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Sunday, December 15, 2019


The world is the one that needs to heal, that needs to take responsibility. The world needs to take responsibility for having created Arthur in the first place, the world is the only thing that is refusing to take responsibility just like the world refuses to take responsibility for the pain that circumcision causes and the only place the people who are circumcised have to turn to is the world that did that to them in the first place. That’s the sickness.  Arthur is a perfect response.” Gregory Becker

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


They adorn them with shiny buckles and leather, colorful fabrics and patterns, steel bits and shoes and tie downs to control their every move, demanding them to move gracefully on unnatural ground for spectators eyes. These horses aren’t   free, they’re owned. Although their masters claim to love and care for them with only the best of things, they function not in tune with their natural born state, but conformed into something to satisfy their owner’s expectations. Much like a trophy. 

Until one day they are used up and too old to satisfy their masters desires, and these horses who've devoted their entire lives to benefit the well being of others, is unwanted and discarded. Too old for another to desire. Their natural born state is forever broken and forgotten. No fight left in them to care, the inner beauty has become a mirror of the outward and people walk past without a notice. She remembers how it was in her younger nobler days. Not a care in the world, no tie downs or demands or reprimands for being who she was born to be. The only thing left for her to do is to dream. So she dreams. She dreams of a place where the horses roam free…

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Vincent Van Gogh ♥️

What am I in the eyes of most people — a nonentity, an eccentric, or an unpleasant person — somebody who has no position in society and will never have; in short, the lowest of the low. All right, then — even if that were absolutely true, then I should one day like to show by my work what such an eccentric, such a nobody, has in his heart. That is my ambition, based less on resentment than on love in spite of everything, based more on a feeling of serenity than on passion. Though I am often in the depths of misery, there is still calmness, pure harmony and music inside me. I see paintings or drawings in the poorest cottages, in the dirtiest corners. And my mind is driven towards these things with an irresistible momentum.”
Vincent Van Gogh

A beautiful story about why he cut off his ear ♥️

Sunday, December 1, 2019


“The human animal is not designed to see sex at all except its own personal lovemaking., it is something humans do in private and no normal human would ever see it unless they were physically at a sex party, OR they were a peeping tom. THINK about that for a minute. Our eyeballs are downloading visual images that our brain never evolved to process. ??!! This severely messes with the synaptic pathways and just like a drug, the images have to become more and more salacious and exciting for our bodies to be able to be stimulated by them.

We can't learn anything useful from porn' because it's all fake and watching porn only creates normalcy bias and makes real sex more difficult. The fastest growing plastic surgery is labiaplasty and that is SOLELY because of porn. In fact the females in the porn' films DO have normal labia but it is all photoshopped out. So now we have a generation of males who can't get a hard-on looking at normal sagging breasts and low hanging labia because they don't even know what a normal woman looks like, and a generation of females bullied into genital mutilation by a sexually sick society..

Did you know that the average age for starting to watch online porn' in ten?? That in UK a doctor reported that she is seeing twelve year old girls with anal injuries because that is the sex their male friends demand. Due to porn. And this in a rich greenbelt area of middle england. !!??
I don't care how 'normal' watching porn' has become, it is a perversion and a dangerous one for young humans”. NannyYnez Crawford-Taylor 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Did you ever notice how clear and vibrant the atmosphere is after a storm? I believe it’s the same with relationships too, the storm being arguments. Relationships without arguments are dead. Imagine a world with no rain. Arguments are just heated communications which reveal information causing growth and adding depth to the relationship. Just as rain brings life and growth to all living things. The opposite of love is not hate, it’s indifference. I love storms, although sometimes inconvenient and scary the beauty it brings is so worth it. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Yoga is the ancient Sanskrit word from the Indus Sarasvati civilization.
Yoga means union.
Yuj, yoke, “to join” or unite.
Becoming one with the true essence of your Self.
Direct access to who you really are.
Yoga is the path of Self realization.
Yoga is a way of life.
Yoga is accessible by anyone.
Yoga is a solo journey.
Yoga is available to all seekers of truth.


Yoga is not exercise.
Yoga is not physical flexibility.
Yoga is not a trend.
Yoga is not an item of clothing.
Yoga is not vegetarianism.
Yoga is not a business.
Yoga is not a religion.
Yoga is not a pleasurable path.
Yoga is not for exploitation of power.


Self confidence
Self trust
Inner courage
Inner peace
World peace
Natural healthy body
Freedom of mind

Super consciousness

Saturday, October 26, 2019


I can’t stay, mother.
I love you, but I wasn’t born to please you
I wasn’t born to make you happy
or give your life meaning.
I wasn’t born to rot under your wings
like an unhatched egg.
I can’t stay, teacher.
I wasn’t born to be put into your boxes
to think along your lines
or to memorize your facts
I was born to think independently.
I can’t stay, my love.
I wasn’t born to satisfy your needs
to take care of you
or to hide in your arms.
I wasn’t born to make myself smaller
or to be taken for granted.
I can’t stay, boss.
I wasn’t born to make money for others
I wasn’t born to follow orders
or to repeat the same day over and over again
I wasn’t born for boredom.
I can’t stay, master.
I wasn’t born to follow your ideas of what truth is
or to live according to your dogmas.
I was born to find my own truth
and make my own rules.
I was born to meet life full on
To get lost on Indian trains
To be seduced by dangerous men
To meet different faces, places and cultures
to be out in the jungle all night
To run with wolves
To be swept off my feet
To be taken by storm
To be heartbroken
Thrown into the deep
I was born to get my hands dirty
To get sand in my mouth
Mud on my clothes
Thorns under my feet
I was born to jump into the abyss.
I was born to meet aliens
To do rituals
To be cracked open in ceremony
To go beyond time and space
To welcome magic
To totally loose myself
I was born to feel everything
To taste everything
The bitter taste of sorrow
The foul taste of deceit
The sweet taste of love
I was born to learn how to handle change gracefully
I was born to know the truth
to learn how to fly
I was born to learn how to speak the language of love
How to unchain my heart
How to shed everything
How to let go of all expectations.
I was born to learn how it feels to lose everything
except what really matters.
I was born to live a life that would strip away everything that wasn’t real
that wasn’t true
that wasn’t me
I am a phoenix.
I am born to spread my wings and fly towards the sun
To burn up and turn to ashes
To fall down to earth and rise up again
When I am old
I will be proud of my scars
My wrinkles
My memories
My stories
My wisdom
My freedom.
I was born to be free.
And therefore, I can’t stay

Author: Sanne Burger

Saturday, October 12, 2019


I just saw the movie "Joker" last night and it was phenomenal on so many levels to me. I know some hated it, thought it was too violent or boring or disturbing. But I was captivated by Joaquin Phoenix performance and the story behind it was deeply touching to me. I keep saying to me because this is my version of it. I’ve written before, I think in my memoir, about how I’m always drawn to the villains in movies because they usually have a reason for being that way, and it’s usually rooted from a dark childhood. The Joker is no different and it was nice to finally hear his side of the story instead of Batmans, who I really dislike, because as my daughter rightfully said he’s just a rich man with a lot of fancy gadgets. The movie shows who I believe to be a young Batman who witnessed his parents murder right before his eyes, and even met the Joker for a fleeting moment where the Joker treated him with nothing but kindness and innocence. 

So the Joker grew up being severely abused at a very young age by the men in his mothers life, while she sat idly by watching and abandoning him to all sorts of torture. Yet he grows up with her version and he ends up living with her and catering to her in her elder years, while finally killing her after he learns the real truth of her monstrous mothering skills. She was diagnosed with malignant narcissist disorder and delusional psychosis. 

I’ve always been drawn to the character of a person much more than outward beauty and always thought Pheonix to be very unattractive but in this movie, and I predicted this would happen, I was electrically charged and captivated by him from his long wavy unruly hair to his slow erotic dance performances. Apparently, I'm not the only one LOL! Yes, the laughing got a bit obnoxious and I wish the movie showed a turning point where he would learn to cry instead of laugh when he was hurting, scared, sad or angry but it didn’t  It just proved to me that some people are forever broken, through the conditioning of their abusive parents. The damage his mother caused him couldn’t be fixed. It became a part of him, and although he was not a mean person, he was actually very childlike, kind, and sensitive, the world made him finally fight back which made him feel powerful, recognized, validated, and human. He got his point across in a way society says is wrong, by killing the bad guys, those higher up on the ladder who laugh at those in the gutter, those who hurt others for entertainment and boredom, those who lie and ruin the reputation of others for their own ill gotten gains, and those who were supposed to love and protect us as children but turned the other cheek and fed us their own twisted version of the truth while telling us how to feel act and live. Yet society glorifies our soldiers who murder people in other countries we know nothing about, only someone else's version of who they are. As the Joker said, right and wrong seem to be objective and thats a whole other debate. 

I adored the Joker and was rooting him on til the end with exhilaration as the movie screen showed riots and chaos in the city. He’s a rebel, fighting against a sick society who tries to silence and ignore the cries of the forgotten, lost, and unfortunate. Who wouldn’t want to be on the underdogs side? I ask myself. Those who have no idea what it’s like to be one. I do and that’s why l'm completely and helplessly drawn to the villain in movies. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019


I don’t pay a professional photographer to take my yoga photos, I don’t pay for yoga classes or a personal trainer, I don’t go to AA meetings to stay sober, I don’t pay top dollar for my workout attire, and I am on no special expensive impossible diets. I shop at Marshalls, I take my own yoga photos, I don’t miss alcohol or the hangovers so I don’t need help staying away from it, I eat whatever and whenever I want, and I do just fine practicing yoga by myself in the comfort of my own home for free! It doesn’t take money nor a team of supporters to be successful. Even Rocky knew that! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019



“We tell our stories and you call us liars. We stay silent and you say we should have spoken up.” - unknown ⁣

It’s national domestic violence awareness month and ironically, I woke up to a dream where I got back together with an ex who abused me. ⁣

I didn’t even know it was this month until I got on social media this morning. ⁣I’ve also been writing about this so it makes sense that it was on my mind, in my subconscious.⁣

I thought of these words, in the image, on my run today, when I was remembering some of the people who abused me, in various forms - be it in a work setting, personal relationship, or via other relationships.⁣

More so, I thought of the men and women who wanted to protect my abusers - who told me to stay quiet, to shut up, to not be so vocal - to not go public, to not report. ⁣

I think of the people who told me my reality was a lie and that it wasn’t true. ⁣

I wish I would have had the strength to just say these words to them - to not have kept them in my life for so long, no matter how much I loved them.⁣

Any person who wants to gaslight my reality is not a person I want in my life. ⁣

I wish the same for you."

Written by Lara Frazier
Lara Frazier is a freelance writer, a truth-teller, and an innovator. She is a FIERCE believer in the power of owning our stories and is a strong advocate for addiction recovery. Lara shares a story of healing: in sobriety, through addiction, in life and love, and in all the other big, huge moments of fear and magic that we rarely talk about, but we should.
Lara Frazier lives in the Tampa Bay area with her pig, Peaches and her partner, Austin Cooper, The founder of Sober Evolution. She received her MBA in Marketing & Global Business from Pepperdine University. After many years of working in the entertainment industry, Lara became addicted to prescription pills and left her career to seek help and find her truth.
Lara is well known in the digital recovery space as an innovator, speaker, writer, and influencer. Lara's work has been featured in publications such as The Temper, The Huffington Post, Glamour, AddictionUnscripted.Com, and WorkIt Health. 
Currently, Lara is the Digital Marketing Director for Renewal Health Group, a family of treatment centers located in Southern California. Lara continues to document her story of healing in the most authentic and vulnerable way she knows how; through her own eyes and with her whole heart.

Monday, September 30, 2019


I've never heard the phrase "Mind Vomit", or even knew there was a legit definition of it until today. I came up with this name for my blog a few years ago because it pretty much felt like exactly that. Thoughts in my head that had to come out in order to make me feel better, relief, healthy. And it did. A lot of healing came from my writings. I understand, as I’ve been told, that my writings are hateful, mean, and all over the place. Well, that’s what’s inside my head, that’s why it’s called vomit, and vomit isn’t tasty and often does go all over the place!! My blog is not meant to be politically correct, soft and flowy, a happy place for others to grow and learn, smooth and easy to digest, or grammatically pleasing to the eye. It’s a safe place for me to vent. And looking back at when I first started writing I can see a lot of healing and softening has taken place. I’m actually shocked that people actually read and visit my blog, but I’m glad they do because I do want to be heard. Sometimes what I write takes a lot of vulnerability which isn’t easy but it must come out so I can let go and move on. Sometimes I’m shocked at what comes out and I learn more about who I am which I think more people need to do instead of keeping it all inside. So for those who regularly read my blog, if any, and think I’m a hateful uneducated weirdo, now you know the main purpose behind Mind Vomit. It’s pretty much my vomit bag and I apologize for it’s filthiness and unpleasantry, but it is a legit word and it’s definition says it all. 

The swift ejection of abstract ideas out of one's bonce onto paper via writing implement, keyboard or Dictaphone. Often unstructured, incoherent and out of context, the mind vomit forms the starting point for any great literary endeavour (or the content of a random and annoying email from someone claiming to have had an "awesome idea").

Thursday, September 12, 2019


You don’t need AA to quit drinking, you don’t need a yoga class to do yoga, and you don’t need to lift weights and gorge on meat to build muscle and strength. You don’t need a support system to succeed. If you really want it bad enough, look within yourself, believe in yourself, and do it. It’s possible only through YOU. Sure it helps to have a circle of family and friends to lean on for comfort support and inspiration.  But it’s possible to do it all on your own if you want it bad enough and I’m living proof of that. I quit drinking without the support of my birth family who are all addicts themselves, and no AA meetings got me through. I don’t take yoga classes and I don't follow a high protein low carb diet, yet I’m in the best shape of my life at 48 years old. We have nobody else to blame if we’re not happy with how things are. If you have people to thank for helping you get to a good place in your life then count yourself as lucky, but you wouldn’t be there without your own strength and determination. Nobody can make you happy more than you can. It takes grit courage and persistence for sure but the power has always been within yourself. You have the power and no one else. So don’t forget to thank yourself when you get there. 

Saturday, September 7, 2019


If you want to be a bad ass sexually empowered woman, embrace your inner hag.
Thats right. 
The crone. The ancient old woman. The witch. The hag. 
The crone archetype is an aspect of the feminine not exactly associated with sexuality. 
Women groom themselves to be girls. The younger the better. 
Paint those lips red and blush those cheeks like you are wet and ripe for impregnation. 
Make them believe you are in perpetual ovulation. 
Make them hard. Make them desire you
Get that face lift. Suck in that belly. Bat those lashes. 
Guess what. 
The crone doesn't give a fuck. 
And that is her power.
She embraces her spider lines and swinging, sagginesss. 
After all, this is what life does to the body of a woman...eventually!
Does that make you uncomfortable? Would you rather not see? 
Her secret threatens to corrupt you. 
She can make you wild. 
She can reveal to you your power.
Your volcanic senseless holy 
Once she opens her mouth, the jig is up.
They tell you she is crazy.
Dangerous because she has broken out of that jail cell you call restrictions. 
How would you have sex if you didn't give a fuck about how pretty you look? 
Or how flat your stomach is? 
The crone is not an object of desire. 
She is free to claim her own desire.
In a world that praises women for being objects of desire. 
Where the more lust you can seduce the more value you possess, the crone is laughing with that cackle that only women of power have. 
She does not possess the enchanting beauty of the maiden or the fertile reproductive juices of the mother. 
She no longer bleeds. She no longer bares children. 
Her sex no longer waxes and wanes with the moon, gaining and draining energy with each passing tide. 
She is full.
The portal to her blood has been sealed. 
She is drinking in the nectar. She is bathing in its luminous darkness. 
Her sex is a diamond pressed and polished by years of experience and wisdom.
She has passed through all the phases of initiation as a woman.
That heavy web of social conditions all feminine creatures are baptized into. 
She is unraveling herself from these webs. 
She has liberated her sex from all their stories.
She is making it to the other side. 
Freeing herself.
Without the ability to be a mother or a sex object, what is left of a woman and her sex?
I’ll tell you what. 
Pure power that doesn't give a fuck. 
Crazy wisdom that knows how to make love to the moment.
Sex that ripples through every authentic cell of your body.
Sex that pulses with every tiny whisper of life knowing life. 
If you want to find the seat of your sexual power.
Your real deep sovereign sexual nature. 
Find the crone that lives in you.
Wild. Ugly. Innocent. Real.
The real initiation begins here.

Author: Maya Luna

Photo Art: Sarah Peirse

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


I love this story because I think many people can relate to it when they decide to finally break free from alcohol and all of the toxic relationships that are tied to it.

The Miracle of the Crab Pot – A beautiful story of survival.

When fishermen catch crabs out at sea they place them in a holding ‘pot’ on board their boat until the time comes to sort them out. In sheer fright and panic the crabs begin to fight and wrestle and try to kill each other in order to get to the top of the heap so they can escape.

However, it does no good to get to the top, because still the crabs can’t get out as they are too far from the sides of the pot to climb up to freedom. But due to the fact they are behaving from instinct they just keep climbing on top of each other in order to escape.

Then, what fishermen noticed was that a small number of smarter crabs, instead of fighting each other would instead attempt to scale the walls – because they had noticed that due to the wear and tear on the metal or wooden sides of the ‘pot’, dents, scratches and ridges had developed on the walls. These crabs would climb up the sides of the pot, clinging to precarious hold after hold, but always headed up towards freedom. 

The other crabs at the bottom of the crab pot would notice these freedom climbing crabs, and then grab a-hold of the climber and haul and pull until the freedom fiighting crab would fall back down to the bottom of the pot where all crabs are ‘supposed’ to be. 

Psychologists have called this type of behaviour in nuclear families ‘the crab pot mentality’.  When one member of a deeply dysfunctional family realises that they have emotional/psychological problems and earnestly seeks help, the dysfunctional family circle becomes threatened. 

And because the dysfunctional nuclear family lives and functions only within the complete denial of the true family dynamics.  The nuclear family then turns on the one seeking help, assuring themselves that ‘they’ are fine, that ‘you’ are the crazy one because it was you who had to finally admit that you were mentally ill and had to seek help. 
Which means, to the rest of the dysfunctional family, that they have no problems, ‘because they never had to get help’! 

They then try to discourage you in every way they can, with anger, verbal attacks, or replaying the family myths, with their completely re-written family history.  Their version of the past is so twisted and so far from the truth that you react sometimes with horror at the depth of their delusions. 
Their attacks become progressively more vicious. They either constantly belittle you verbally or ply you with obviously false, passive-aggressive compliments. Your accomplishments are ignored, or given a negative twist.   

If you persist in speaking the truth, they will even get to the point of taking your picture off their walls, thereby cutting you out of their lives until you ‘come to your senses’.  Although their walls are plastered with pictures of the entire nuclear and extended families, there will not be one single picture of you. This perverted attempt to ‘cut you out of the family circle’ both emotionally and psychologically is another desperate attempt to pressure you back into your ‘place’.   
The dysfunctional family functions exactly like the crabs in the above mentioned crab pot.  They see you trying to get out, and they do their best to pull you right back down there in the dysfunctional family dynamics, where you get to live your assigned role again. 

You keep trying, braving their displeasure, ignoring their comments, and they pull out all the stops.  They tell their children and even your friends and your children that ‘you’ have ‘mental health problems’, as if it is much too taboo to talk about, except, of course, as how it applies to only you.   
You try to share what you are learning with them, but, locked in a mental/psychological cage of denial, their brains refuse to accept in any way, how, form, shape or choice of words the self-knowledge you are gaining. They absolutely, passionately refuse to acknowledge how you are changing. To them, your ‘assigned’ role in the family dynamics is cast in stone.

Finally, the abuse becomes so toxic that you are forced to make a choice – re-enter the family dynamics and assume once again the crippled role they assigned you, go along with all the re-written family myths, and ‘know your place’ once again; Or, you can finally get to the uppermost point in your life (the top of the crab pot) and decide to fall outside the pot. Even the fear of the unknown is finally preferable to the abusive family dynamics. 

You let go and fall outside the pot. You cut off contact with your toxic family because you realize that there is no way they will ever accept you as you are now. Worse, their rage at you builds to massive proportions because you have escaped their clutches. 

Ah, but here’s the nice part. 

When the rare crab finally does manage to climb up the sides of the crab pot, and fall out onto the deck below, what do you think happens?  Does the crab fisherman, realizing that every ounce of crab is worth money, toss that crab back down into the maelstrom of crab pot?

No. He picks up the crab, and tosses it over the side of the ship, back into the ocean, from whence it came.  He sets it free, because he knows that the desire for survival, instinct, intelligence, whatever you choose to call it, are very strong in that particular crab.  That crab, left to breed, will produce stronger crabs, better able to survive in our polluted and rapidly dying oceans.   

So, what happens to the human being who finally manages to get to the top of their personal ‘crab pot’ full of dysfunctional people? If they decide to let go and fall onto the deck, then the miracle really begins.  

The Hand of God picks them up, and gently sets them free in the Sea of Life.