Christianity is a religion that works in favor of perpetrators and AGAINST their victims. All one must do is admit they are wretched and incapable of doing any good. The only thing good about them is CHRIST in the eyes of the angry jew god. Doesn’t this sound like a free ticket to commit evil? The bible says there is none good, no not one. We are wretched, filthy, vile, sinners deserving of damnation, the flesh is rotten and must die, and all one must do is accept JESUS as their SAVIOR and they escape the wrath of god. Whereas, those who’s mission in life is to be a good moral citizen and lover of humanity, (flesh) will burn in hell if they don’t accept this bible god to save them from god’s wrath. Victims of abuse are told to turn the other cheek, forgive or be cast into hell, love and pray for their abusers, judge no one because they are JUST as evil, vile, wretched, and sinful as those who rape, torture, murder and abuse. Sin is sin according to their god and all humans deserve to be eternal punished. Christianity is a death cult. It’s very foundation is built on the death torture and humiliation of their god, and their only escape from the wrath of their god is the bloody sacrifice of his murder. To tell a child they are born filthy, wretched, and incapable of any good in the eyes of the bible god they must worship, is child abuse and inhumane. To show a child a movie of this god being tortured to a bloody pulp is sick and even when I was involved in this bloody death cult, I could never stand watching those movies as it made me sick to my stomach. If this bible god allowed his own son to be tortured in such a cruel way why in the hell would any christian complain about themselves being abused tortured or beaten? Well, according to their god they shouldn’t. Because they must suffer as their savior suffered for them, Jesus set the example to follow. Therefore, turn the other cheek, always forgive and never judge, and patiently await your DEATH for justice to be done. Sounds like the perfect recipe for the perverse to flourish and the abused to sit down, shut up, and be a good loving and forgiving little christian sheep being led to slaughter.
Mind vomit forms the starting point for any great literary endeavour Words are magic, that’s why it’s called spelling
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Sunday, January 29, 2017
Friday, January 13, 2017
When you leave the Bible spell cult, many of your old Bible beating buddies try to lure you back into the cult just like an alcoholic's old buddies try to lure them back into the drunken life. But the shame, humiliation, and pain you've caused yourself and loved ones prevents you from doing so...As well as the knowledge of just how deluded you really were. With each passing day you see more and more clearly just how fucked up you were and are relieved to be set free from that dark and twisted path of deceptive destruction which, along with alcohol abuse, can be blamed for most of the world's chaos and confusion!
I went from one deadly addiction to another and I don't miss either one. Today, January 13, 2017 I celebrate my 5 year anniversary of being sober.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
When I started writing my blog it started out about my newfound love of God. How he set me free from alcoholism and my toxic dysfunctional family. I shared my blog with family members and pastors but received no feedback whatsoever. The more I studied the more I wrote and I related everything in my life to the scriptures. I related God to everything. He became my husband, father, friend, brother, sister, lover, mother.
The deeper I got the darker my writings got and some would say it was hateful; but it came straight from scripture which IS dark and hateful. Especially the Old Testament. The New Testament makes no sense without the Old and Jesus made that clear as does the book of Revelation.
Now that I’m free from the bible spell I thought maybe my writings would stop since I firmly believed it was the holy spirit giving me words to write; but I haven’t stopped. Writing is my therapy. Writing shows me who I am, and what’s inside that I otherwise wouldn’t see or know. I wore a mask for so long as most people do. Why? Kids don’t. When do we start to put these masks on? Different masks for different people. Then we lose ourselves, our true selves as the masks start to take over and the child within fades away to become someone we’re not. We say things we don’t mean and don’t say what we really mean. So we have a bunch of fake people walking around with masks, too scared to reveal their true self. It’s deceptive.
Why don’t animals do this? Maybe that’s why we love our pets so much because they are true to who they are and they love us for who WE are. They give love without asking “what’s in it for me”? They don’t care what our social status is, what we look like, or our religious/political preferences. They accept our flaws and imperfections. They don’t hold grudges and they aren’t out to hurt others to make themselves look better. Bottom line is they have no pride only humility and unconditional love. We can learn a lot from the Animal Kingdom yet the Bible puts man up on a pedestal above them, whereas the Native American people see them as our brothers and sisters. Our equals, deserving of the same respect and love that we desire. Yet we can’t even give this to our own; mankind. Which is probably why we feel the need to wear masks around people because they are unable to love and accept us as animals do.
Animals can sense fear and deception, especially horses. We may be able to lie to people but we can’t lie to them and we can only lie to ourselves for so long before the mask starts to suffocate us and we die.
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